. COLLEGE COMMUNICATIONS MID-SEMESTERS AGAIN Mid-semester grades are due in the office on Tuesday, March 22. Please plan your work and examinations to enable you to make these reports promptly, Your help in making full reports will also be greatly appreciated, as the reasons given for the poor grades are very helpful to us in talking with students and their parents, MARCH FACULTY MEETING The next meeting of the College Faculty will be held at 4:30, March 15, in the Prank Strong auditorium. Important matters are to be considered. NEW COURSES AND CHANGES IN COURSES According to a recent University Senate regulation, no new courses may be offered next fall which are not approved by the Faculty by the April meeting, We are, therefore, asking that all requests for new courses and also for course changes be presented now, This will allow us to present the necessary requests at the March faculty meeting and the Administra- tive Committee could then present its recommendations for agetion at the April meeting, May we ask all staff members to examine critically the catalog descriptions of their courses and suggest desirable changes. Prerequisites should be care- fully studied and requests for changes made where neccessary, so that catalog statements can be regularly followed. It is hoped that all changes may receive Faculty or Administrative Committee approval this spring instead of being left for the fall when we are always hurried to get the copy to the printer, EXCESSIVE ABSENCES We are finding some cases of negleot in the reporting of excessive absences, Ail instructors of College students are expected to check class attendance reg- ularly and to report on the deficiency cards any student who, aside from reasons of known illness, has one more absence from Glass than the number of hours of credit given in the course, Prompt reports prevent some student failures and enable us to give the parents the information they expect of us in this matter, ‘Board Mareh 11, 1938 PRESIDENT HUTCHINS SAYS: "Education is serious business for serious people, It involves hard work, and hard work is sometimes disagreeable, But there is no short cut to intelli- gence. The Board of Education of the city of Chicago is at present engaged in trying to determine what a general education is. Its intention is laudable, But when we learn that it plans to make mathematics an elective because it is "toc hard! for mest high-school stidents, we realize that the Chicago of Educaticn has confused educa— tisn with Yeorestion, it is foliowing the dubious precept of a group of Progressive Educators who believe that the task of the teacher is to discover what the student likes to learn and to encourage him to learn it," "The question will be asked: ‘What avout thoge who can't learnt* I sus- pect that the number of children who are actually ineducable is far smaller than we have supposed, We may be guilty of accusing children of intel-. lectual deficiency as an excuse for our failure to educate them properly. It is easier for a teacher to say of a boy, ‘He's no good,’ than to say of himself, ‘I don't know how to teach,'" "The charge that the teachers corrupt the youth of a country is not a new one. The battle for academic freedom in the teaching of the natural sciences and religion was won less than a century agos Most of us remember when evolu- tion and the historical interpretation of the New Testament were condemned as *atheism,' Today the battleground is the social sciences, ‘Radicalism! has taken the place of ‘atheism,'" "If education is to educate, it must shift its emphasis from the popular to the important, Life is not a party, even if spasms of material prosperity anesthetize us temporarily. Our prob- lems are serious, Our people must think, and think for themselves, or they will find someone they don't like doing their thinking for them, letting George do our thinking for us is more prevalent in America than some of us realize. When a proposal is advanced these days, we hear everyone ask, "Who's for it?*» ow *Who'’s against it?' Pew people ask, 'What does it mean?'"