ole 65~ Basketball. ‘wo hours credit. First semesters Theory of basketball including methods of teaching fundamentela; individual and teem offense and defenses various styles of play and methods of coachinge Required of O22 sue sujeeting 2 TeaSens ‘ eNe is 3 teaching swimming, diving, life saving and pool Hoovere » Officiating hour credit. First semester. A study of the rules and rirnsisles of officiating the following sports: hockey, volley ball, darts, deck temis, table termmis, and basketball. Hoover'e ~ Ile One hour credit, Second semester. A study of the rules and imiaton, handball and baseball. — | Hoovers ‘The Tests ond Measurements in Physteal Bducation. ‘Two hours credite First semester. : course use of elementary techniques of . Course ° measurements as applied to tests in Physical Educatione A study of the more common types of tests in the field. : Hoover's 754 Track and “Ome hour credit. ‘Second semester, Course required for men of track and field athletics. Hargisse Two hours credit. First semestere Required of Prerequisite, course 50. Theory in treatment of with Anatomy 50. Theynyend practice of examining the body for faulty postural conditions, scoliosis, weak feet, and other physical defects. Also instruction in of therapeutic gywmstics as a moans of correcting theme Studies in the methods of taking and the values of physical measurenents are includeds Dunkel. 856 ve ‘Two hours credit. First semester. Required of all students major~ ing ir Education. Prerequisite, Human Anatomy 50, A study of the mechanics of muscular movement and of the action of the muscles in various physical activities. Lappe Soe ANS es One hour credit. First semester, Prerequisite, 31M and ° practical of advanced gymmstics including methods of Allphine One hour credit. First semester. A consideration - a