THE COLLEGE BULLETIN May 23, 1936. PINAL EXAMINATIONS Reports have come to us that in a number of College classes instructors are either not giving final examinations at all or are giving them before the regular examination period. May we call your attention to the regula— tion that an examination is to be given in all College classes during the examination week and that the examination schedule should be very strictly followed, ; . RED AND BLUE CARDS These cards for early reports on Failures and Incompletes may be obtained from the departmental office. Please send in a red card for all students who have withdrawn with failure during the semester and for those who fail at the end of the semester. Since we must copy these failures on the transcripts before the Summer Session starts, they should be sent in as soon as possible, but in all cases not later than Saturday, June 6. HONOR ROLLS We are asking the faculty to nominate students for the Honor Roll of this year's Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior classes. This roll usually lists from five to ten per cent of the membership of each class and has, we believe, proved an incentive to good scholarship to many students, Nominations should be made for students who were in your classes last fall or this spring. Please use a separate card for each student recommended, Cards for your nominations may be obtained at the departmental office. FALL ENROLLMENT The fall semester starts on September 14, Because of the changes in our regulations we feel we must ask all who aid in enrollment to be sure to be present at advisers' meetings to be held on the afternoon of the fourteenth. The meeting of the Freshman-Sophomore advisers will be held at 3:30 in 103 East Ad.; the meeting of the Junior-Senior advisers will be at 4:30 in 103 East Ad, Advisers who fail to attend these meetings will find themselves seriously handicapped in their enrollment work on September 15 and 16, and their advisees are also liable to be in trouble. We trust, therefore, that we may have a 100 per cent attendance, So, PLEASE, put this on your calendar NOW! SUMMER ADDRESSES You are being sent a sheet asking for your summer address. Please be sure to send this in before leaving town. "Badgering, bridling, and blindfolding the universities is cheap and popular, although the community hurts itself in the end more than it does the college, A professor with blinders on can see no farther than his feed=bag." -~ Professor S. E, Morison, Harvard. This office wishes to thank you for your cooperation through the year, and may you have a pleasant summer !?