THE COLLEGE BULLETIN October 16, 1936, FACULTY MEETING The College Faculty will meet at 4:30 Tuesday, October 20, in the Central Administration Auditorium, We urge a full attendance to welcome the new members who will be introduced at that time, CONCERNING ABSENCES AND DEFICIENCIES Last spring a prominent resident of Kansas, and one who has much to do with the legislative welfare of the University, compZained to the Chancellor that, although his boy had not attended his classes for over a month, yet no word had been sent him about the absences Investigation showed that not one of the four teachers concerned had repcrted his excessive absences to this office. Their negligence prevented both the father and us from doing anything for or with this boy in time to save even a part of the semester's work, This is one illustration among many showing that, rightly or wrongly, the parents of our students expect us to let them know if their children are not attending their classes at least fairly regularly. For this reason, and also because a prompt report of excessive absences will prevent the failure of many students, we are asking all instructors of College students to check class attendance regularly and to report promptly on the deficiency cards any student who, aside from known illness, has one more absence from a class than the number of hours of credit given in the course, These deficiency cards are also intended to enable us to get prompt reports as soon as it is known a student is failing, An early report frequently prevents a failure. We earnestly request your cooperation in these reports, WITHDRAWALS No student should be considered withdrawn from your classes until you have received a withdrawal card from this office, And if you don't get such a card promptly, the student has not withdrawn, for we send out all withdrawal cards within 24 hours of the student's withdrawal. AUDITORS No instructor should admit auditors to his classes except on receipt of an auditor's class card, You are requested to observe this all-University regulation strictly. ENROLLMENT Judging from comments heard, we believe both students and faculty felt that our enrollment this fall went off quite smoothly, We congratulate Professor Smith's committee on its good work, The committee again asks for suggestions for further improvement, STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 1936—'37 The following standing committees have been appointed by the dean in accordance with the Faculty regulations: Committee on Special Students: Davidson, Chairman, Laird, Realey, Reinstatement Committee: Lawson, Chairman ex officio, Nelson, ex officio, Dains, Laird, Posey. Committee on Rules: Nelson, Chairman, Chubb, Mitchell, Committee on Enrollment: Smith, Chairman, Black, NeuenSchwander, Posey, Treece, Joint Committee on University Zgecher’s Diploma: May Gardner, Johnson, Lawson,