October 6, 1937. \ Dean Pani B, Lawson Goliege of Liberal gy University of Kansas, Dear Dean Lawson: In answer to your letter of the 23rd ultimo concerning the University Publicity Committee ae by Chancellor Lindley, I. beg to state that I a happy to offer any suggestion that might be wath while, but I doudt not that most of the things that I suggest have already been thought of or suggested by someone else. At least, I am gled to offer them in the spirit of. ro ‘ | | Take a map of the state with the. outiving communities and thumbtack the different counties show-— ing position of cities and towns therein by using differently colored thumbtacks for your certain design- ation, such ss alumni active, alumni inactive, state ? ‘senators and reprosentatives, key business - and profession- al men, et cetera, : Mebactastan ¢ this map would be a written list of all men with their addresses and classification. This equipment to be used for all faculty members willing to work subject to the suggestions and under orders of the chairman of the committee’ and the alumni secretary. - Obtain from faculty members a list of their influential acquaintances over the state. For example, when Paul 5. Lawson oe to Chanute or Salina to speak — to the Kiwanis Club I suggest that he take other faculty members elong to visit men in these towns whose cultivae tion will be helpful to the University. Their visit would conform to the time schedule of P. B.*s time apent in either of these towns, : It might not be a bad idea Lor your whole committee, after drawing up some suggestions, to submit 7 first to the Chancellor's Cabinet, and then in turn to tho University Senate and finally to the entire faculty — for the purpose of education and the dissemination of in- formation concerning the committee's desires, }