wade Why not have some literature on our starred men of science ani some on our outstanding engineers and other - glumnd whe are leaders out in the field? We talk of this some, but we do not get it before the people, Of course, the comparison would not have to be made to Manhattan, but . we oo show where these different schools rank in this | section. Me | - When you go as far west as Russell, Kansas, the . ‘University's influence wanes perceptibly, Hays Teachers — College and Kansas State College are the dominant influ- ences in the livee of the people there, They reslly pay very little attention to tho University of Kansas, except in a very small minority. : A @rive by the publicity committee toward ‘getting a bigger crop of Commencement speakers would be helpful. Instead of the Extension Division doing it | ealone, get the committee to put it up to the faculty on @ larger loyalty to K.U, basis, I think it would be a good thing to ask lr, ¥, 4, Dill's ideas on this angle. My, D411 hes some pretty definite ideas on setting K.U. before the public more forcibly. a | An enlargement upon your good-will tour, using several squeds to cover the state, each squad ranifying in different directions so thet the anastomosis would leave no territory uncovered, would add « punch, . Personally, I would like te sec somo publicity on athletes who make exceptional grades as athletes go. Dean Stockton and I were on a committee, and I think he - has a recommendation for the Honors Convocation for core _ tain athletes who excel in academics, This, of course, $6 a local situation, but it could be publicized. The — young men in a great many high schools are attracted to . these personalities who show themselves es leaders both — in the classroom and on the ethletic field. , ie | During the Teachers Convention here November | 4, 5, and 6 I believe that we could put ourselves on parade a little more favorably. Certainly our majors | in the Department steeetulen Education expect to endeavor to win favorable recognition from the visiting superintend- ents, principals and teachers when they visit Mount Oread. — Instead of calling off any of our classes on these days, wo are expecting to go them one better by being busier than ever, ee Re