THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES LAWRENCE I January 26, 1939 OFFICE OF THE DEAN \Dr. F. C. Allen ie Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Because neither Mr. Elbel nor Miss Hoover will be with us on the enrollment floor week after next, we are very eager to have a skillful scribe writing the cards of all College students who enroll in Physical Education. We feel that this scribe should be able to answer (questions about the courses because there will be no one else repre= senting your department available, Will you please, therefore, select a soribe who, in your opinion, can do this job well, and send us his name? Dean Lawson is holding a brief meeting of all those who are to write class cards on Monday morning, February 6, beginning at 8:20 o'clock. We hope that the scribe for Physical Education will be able to be present. Sincerely yours, JHN/A b