November 16, 1988 Dean Paul 8, 1 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Kansase. Dea Dean Lawsons ‘I find that the following College students wish to make a change in their gym enrollment for the second half of the fell semester: Cierny, George We «= fran la. Plenentary Basketball, 11:30 TIF, to lc. Advanced Basketball, 11:30 MVP. _ White, Harry ~- from la. Elementary Basketball, 11:30 TTP, to le. Advanced Basketball, 11:50 IVF. Praswiaee, Williem « from la. Mementary naskethall,. 11350 TTP, to 42a. Elementary Fencing, 4:50 IF. sc eens Say Re w fren ie Momehell. Waly PN, Oe lSa-e Momentary Boxing, 10:50 MW, Priday by ap: ) ” petty, Charles G. ~ from 8b. Gene Pele, tO le Hive ee ees Cie changes may have your approvale Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsit; Basketball Coache