Leavenworth Senior Gigh School Oo. R. YOUNG, PRINCIPAL Leavenworth, Kansas Dr, F. C. Allen, October 28, 1941 Coach of Basketball, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I have given some thought to the idea of having our High School Basketball Clinic for the Coaches and players in this section of the state on November 21 and November 22. There, no doubt, will be many Coaches and players attending the football game between Missouri and Kansas on November 21. We would appreciate it if it were possible for the coaches and players„attend the Freshman- Varsity basketball game the evening of November 21; then on the morning of Saturday, November 2c, we could work out a program where your boys and you could demonstrate fundamentals, and aqswer any questions the players and Coaches have to ask. I will make a special trip to see you so that we might work out some scheduled vcrogram and also begin sending out publicity. Sincerely yours, W. A.Forsberg Coach of Athletics Leavenworth High School.