Allen Especially Fitted 32-~ To Further Naismith Move ‘‘Why, you bloody beggar, you can’t coach basketball.”’ | This old Canadian expression was the answer first given a youth by the name of Forrest C, Allen by Dr. James A. Naismith, | inventor of the game of basketball, when Allen approached him | coneerning the possibility of his coaching the Baker university | basketball team back in 1908. Doctor Naismith didn’t believe | that the game needed such impedimentia as coaches, But he was wrong, mitted some three decades’ later after he had seen the game be- come the most popular and wide- spread _ indoor sports and with, this same youth since associated closely with the game’s founder proving one of the leaders in de veloping the game to where i today. That youth now — beginning his fourth decade as a coach, later became associ ated with Doc tor Naismith, |lwhere Allen gained nation- ° wide fame as basketball coach and Naismith spent the last twenty years of his life as a physical edu- cation professor. And it is Allen who now is in the forefront of those seeking to bring about the erection of a suitable memorial to Doctor Naismith in this, the fiftieth anni- versary year of the founding of basketball. Appropriately enough, Doctor Al- jlen will be in Kansas City Kansas Phog Allen as he ad-* the night of November 4 to open the better basketball clinic spon- | sored by the Kansas City Kansas YMCA as its part of the fiftieth anniversary celebration. Thru his part in this clinic, Allen will fur- ther assist in developing more and better basketball players among the youth of the country. At the free clinic here, Allen will explain the same fundamentals of play and training which he has used in producing twenty-three championship teams in the thirty years’ he has been a coach, and players he has coached at K. U. demonstrate these fundamentals. Officials of the YMCA stressed the point that the clinic will be free to all, but that those wishing to at- tend must obtain tickets. High school squads of this section are especially invited, and coaches have been invited to make reserva- tions for their players. One of these, Coach Ashley Elbl of Wyandotte, has obtained reser- vations for fifty of his players. Elb] also will take part in the series of clinics at the YMOA, being ‘scheduled to conduct the second night’s session on November 11. Other local squads also will at- tend, altho they have not made specific reservations as yet.