May Sth, 1942 Mre Lyle T. Quinn, Manager, Iowa High School Athletic Association | 1152 Des Moines Building _ oe : | Tes Moines, Tous . 7 a Dear Mr. Quinn; Thank you for your letter of May 2nde I'm not sure that I made it perfectly clear to you that my expenses include both local and traveling expenses. This hes always been the perEngeneery that I have ad with the other coaching schools. However, in Topeka, I drove home most every evening and did not charge them hotel exvenses. My expenses in your case will be from lawrence, Kansas, to your ecaching locations I an just back from an extensive speaking tour, and since I have a baseball game this afterncon and spring basketball practice the first three - nights of this week et 7:50 o'clock, I shall ‘forego the discription of my classes and merely state that if it is agreeable for you to pay these expenses, I will be happy to be with you. : I am very glad that you will have Clark Shaughnessy and Bernie Riermanes 1 have been in a number of coaching schools with these gentlemen before and they are great teachers, expecially Shaugnessy. ‘hen Shaugnessy was coaching at Loyola University at New Orleans, back in 1925, I think, I had some coaching os schools with him, and I thick he "$e "tops". Please confirm this letter regarding expenses and I will reply immediately giving you the discription of classes. I assure you I will give you 1008 of my efforts in making this coaching school the best evere Wath all good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach, | PCAsre