BOARD: OF CONTROL CHAIRMAN : TREASURER HE PESEEY .« SPIRIT LAKE J. EE, SAGR-< FAIRFIELD c.L.ELLIS + NEW PROVIDENCE I1.W. EDIE - RUDD 0.C.VARNER + DIAGONAL NORTHWEST | SOUTHEAST CENTRAL NORTHEAST SOUTHWEST \ +H | ee , | io }}° ° a * : LYLE T. QUINN 1132 DES MOINES BUILDING MANAGER DES MOINES, IOWA Mey 27, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrnece, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have your letter of May 23 in regard to expenses for you for the coaching school and, of course, we have had in mind all the time that we would be paying you your expenses from Lawrence to our caching school and returnand in addition to this we will provide your board and room while attending the school. I am working on a reagh draft for the program at the present time and I'll be very happy to sent you a rough draft of this program end I would appreciate any commend that you care to make « Yours very truly, : = LTQ:EMF