Way 17, 19386 oe (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDR€SS } April 19, 1958. te eeeteees at dkaetae aneeio a tae eee Do you have any preference as to dates? i would | ihe Sn: anh Shs Mee Oe anomeniane the aunt mmiber of peoples % OMSt be gink Go Mee Frm pete Sincerely yours, Director of Physical 5 Varsity Basketball Si A, Vey 27_ 193S8~ Thanic much, “ac, for your very clevor isttroduction of the Allen Coaching > Iam St. Louis and Kansas City Amateur Boxers Meet in the Audi- torium Tonight ... The Night of the Ross-Armstrong Fight «..“Phog” Allen Will Conduct a Basketball and Athletic ‘Injury Treatment School in June | (By The Star’s Sports Editor.) . LASSIEST of amateur boxers of St. Louis and Kansas , City will meet in the Auditorium ring tonight, the receipts beyond the expenses, which have been held to a minimum, to go to the Shrine hospitals for crippled children, Patrons of amateur boxing and all others who like fast action and plenty of it in their sports will find royal entertainment in this show. "The Kansas City boxers haye a score to even, with their St. Louis . ¢ousins. Several weeks ago the Kansas City boys lost in an intercity |. show in St. Louis, so tonight they will be fighting to even the slate. The customers will find popular prices at the box office, the show ; will be a worth-while entertainment in its line, and the money goes to a worthy charity. ue Barney Must Be at His Best. oe is the night that may see Barney Ross come to the as of _the way as a champion and the elevation of another Negro fighter, Henry Armstrong, to the throne. The main question seems to be—can Ross weather the terrific Arm- | strong punching? Ross is rated the smarter bhtes a and cdetadelty he has gone to the fistic wars for a greater experience than has Armstrong. Armstrong is young, but Ross is not old. Armstrong has been on a steady fighting diet, Ross has been coasting....and that may make a difference. Ross can hit and he is clever. Armstrong knows nothing of clever- “ness, but throws his all into a tornado of blows. And he carries aK. O, punch. On Ross’s ability to withstand the shock of the Armstrong panties depends his chance of victory. In his McLarnin fights Barney showed: that he could weather storms and absorb punches. If he is the Barney Ross of the McLarnin fights he should win. But if he is a Barney Ross faded several degrees from the Ross - who marched against McLarnin he may be nearing the end of. his triumphant pugilistic journey as he wears away the. hours before his meeting with Henry Armstrong in the Long Island fistic bowl tonight. A “Phog” Allen Coaching School. EVERAL letters have come to this department making inquiries as to whether “Phog” Allen, basketball coach and author, will appear oe as a faculty member in a basketball coaching school this summer; So we put, the question to the K. U. coach himself, a The question brought the information that the Kansas eae. an | “received fifteen letters of inquiry on the. game. subject. The letters “cover a wide territory—from Maine to California and Oregon, to Texas in the South. : “I will be in Lawrence all summer, working on our physical educa= tion program,” the Kansas coach said this morning, “and numerous inquiries regarding a coaching school have about convinced. me that | ‘such a school over a week’s time might be a good thing to hold right I. here in Lawrence, There hasn’t been a ee school here in abou |. ten years, so I believe I'll do it.” ; The Kansas coach said that if he goes. through with the idea the a school of basketball and treatment of athletic injuries will be" for one - week, June 13 to 18. “ 5c ccaclipate sone May 28, 1958 lite Vax Brand, Amico Coach, - American Uationsl Insurance Coe, Galveston, Temse | ees Mandt Nomnks This will ackuowledge receipt of your good letter of the 20th instant. I om giad that you have my book, — Setter Dasiettall, Doeeuse that wil enable ys to under. stand my systems ss Y hewe eoached girls severel years ago, aud I be- Ricve that I can widerstand your probleme fo sure that cer Gertie deeuga oh Atak Widens Shak yen Aram aap tenets Sos wreaking up a Poulan £0uG6 i believe I have the ensser 1937-38 “Team Nora Cain Lillian Justice Ruth Dean Frances Williams Coral Worley Lottie Jackson Brownie Barnes Glennis Birket Helen Cathcart Ottilie Ponkoney Pat Patterson Hallie Fern Hunt Merle Luper Melvina Hunter Irma Stricklen SPONSORED BY AMERICAN NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, GALVESTON, TEXAS : ANICO BUILDING May 20, 1938 & GALVESTON, TEXAS @ MAX BRAND, Coach Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I received your letter of May 17, explaining your plans for a coaching school this summer and am very intrested. I bought a copy of your book, "Better Basketball", at the beginning of this season as I have always been more or less an ardent fan of yours. I have studied your book thouroughly as I did your "Basketball Bible" before this addition and learn something new with every reading. Although I coach girls I have always used boys tactics and have had very good results, although I am in need of some advice concerning a four man zone defense and an offense to break up a four man gone. As you might know we use the womens A-A.U. rules using a roving guard which gives a different setup to work from than most attacks. However I will discuss it more in detail when I come to your school. Please let me know by return mail when I should be there and what the tuition will be. Would also know where it would be convenient for me to stay while in Lawrence and approximate cost ) of board end room. eo re - Thanking you for your information and hopeing to see ‘na study with you soon,I am "Dae. Mee Max — Anico Coach. - * ( / nn #w ke May 17, 1958.5 ; Sher Cone Reet | ies esainebing te ceuten’ & Snctestbak’ ‘cimahiing i oo} at the Thiversity for one wook, from dime 13 to 105 In add ay ctatball 1 will give a ooiree a tie trontamnt of athletic ee ee ae Oe ee et Oe ee Will be @ private venture on my part and no acadenic oredd will be given for the courses ee I will use es a toxt ny uow book, “Better Basketball", pubs - Lshod iy SoSramiilt Dook Company. 1 would suggest tet you ob= tain a ae eee ee ee ee ee ee chapters - ees Thies hag to do with all the fundamentals end y but especially deals with the individual ak tke dababies Chap pobageain and Lo gg te Aegean in handling your Ls oe eee Be Renee vee Senay Se ee oe Oo : oxporieucge T would be glad 3f you would write me and let mo know if ee ee ae ee ee ae of soeches so that wo can have a more efficient group te teeche if there ere any other questions you desire to write me about i would be very happy to hear fran yous Very sincerely yours, April 19, 1958. I plan to give an intensive course in basketball and in the treatment of athletic injuries « both courses for the priee of one, 915,00. The detaiis have, as yet, not been fully determined, but we plan to have a school and one in the Director of Physical Education, dune 2, 1958. JUNIOR COLLEGE OF KANSAS CITY ELEVENTH AND LOCUST STREETS Tue fy 1956— ‘Divestor of Physieal dusation, Varsity Basketball Coache May 18, 19586 eae up I would ask gs Poor leah eager ool — ui sy shih ao ee ae er s * siplecjaqulphanpinaganal _ istic witty, ajuk i offense an teen dotenve , fama what we expent to If there are : all of these, as cleale wae ou. th ed. be Senior High School FREDONIA, KANSAS June 6, 1938 Mr. FC. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Ceach Allen: Thanks fer your letter ef June second, I'm very serry but it will be impessible fer me te attend any eeaching scheel durigg the months of June and July. I'm sure yeu'll have a fine scheel, and surely appreciate yeur prempt reply te my letter, Sincerely yeurs, | R, E, Armstrong seth tare raNanS, fe ecutent w bashetbnl) senehtng 18, inclusive. Se ee ee : = to bs ans AS eee eee aes es mo mew if you ere expecting to matricuiate, es I am taking only a linited nmuxber of coaches so (mt we can have @ more efficient group to tenths a ne you with use if there ere other questions you deste to Director of Phyetoal Hiuantion, Varsity Basketoall Coache FREDONIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS H. F. WILSON, SUPERINTENDENT FREDONIA, KANSAS June 1, 1938 Fe. C. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansaa Dear Mr. Allen: I am interested in attending a basket ball ceaching scheel this summer,If yeu have a ceaching scheel in Lawrencé this sumer, I'd like te knew the date and the cest, My present address in bex 134, Riley, Kansas, Sincerely yeurs, . Re E. Armstrong i Ceach ef Fredenia High Scheel dune 6, 19385 (a Usd naber oF oa Sea samen 80 have you with use 1a a ue eS