May 17, 1958.5 ; Sher Cone Reet | ies esainebing te ceuten’ & Snctestbak’ ‘cimahiing i oo} at the Thiversity for one wook, from dime 13 to 105 In add ay ctatball 1 will give a ooiree a tie trontamnt of athletic ee ee ae Oe ee et Oe ee Will be @ private venture on my part and no acadenic oredd will be given for the courses ee I will use es a toxt ny uow book, “Better Basketball", pubs - Lshod iy SoSramiilt Dook Company. 1 would suggest tet you ob= tain a ae eee ee ee ee ee ee chapters - ees Thies hag to do with all the fundamentals end y but especially deals with the individual ak tke dababies Chap pobageain and