oe May 17, 19586 7a iciidion We eatiedl «! nated pileahehng wlan van at the University for one week, fron June 15 to 18s in addition to do with all th some of the advanced play, but especially deale with the individual offense and individual defense, and thea follows with team offense ‘end team defense. The phetograpks end i Te as well as “the exposition, will give you a vory definite idea as to vist we a re oe oe ee earn a “Re thant ave any angles of the eonchinis sttustion tint yor ee eS ae ; you make uote of all ti ocye > Lo gg te Aegean in handling your Ls oe eee Be Renee vee Senay Se ee oe Oo : oxporieucge T would be glad 3f you would write me and let mo know if ee ee ae ee ee ae of soeches so that wo can have a more efficient group te teeche if there ere any other questions you desire to write me about i would be very happy to hear fran yous Very sincerely yours,