ENROLLMENTS IW COACHING SCHOOL June 13=18 Bill Cramer, Gardner, Kansas Dean Nesmith, Lawrence (7) Coach John Carmody, Haskell Institute, Lawrence Coach Max Brand, Galveston, Texas Coach Ralph Baker, Springfield, Me Coach Carl Rhoda, Halfway, Oregon. T. J. Stottle, Kirbyville, Mo. (and 1 or 2 other coaches) Re Ee Armstrong, Fredonia, Kansase SOUTHWEST HIGH SCHOOL 6512 WORNALL ROAD > KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF j L. A. HOUSE, COACH PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND M. P. BISHOP, Ass‘T CoacH INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS S. C. SEE, MANAGER soicla RRL Ret eae Re eRe aU. ay ; ; a ‘ CRAG RE EAE ag ae USERRA R Sats RR E S = ar We SR Pe PR (cap S MTA oe + | ret o Akbosr , 0 d A K LKQ AA“4AA een Shs 2° be . SigmyO fenéic« Dre Allen <= The following persons have paid $15.00 each in the coaching schools Carl Rhoda Leo Shannon Max Brand Te Je Stottle Andrew Stottle rid, for eurel nent te | May 1% 19580 ‘ ‘panei teil tee ‘wie Meee eae In addition a ae sae Gen en ee ee ce ee This will be @ private venture on ay part and no’ ace mie credit — will be given for the courses i Sank we ns sen ww woe to, “ies - ‘publiched by MoGrexdI§11 Book Caspamye I would suggest thet you obtain « copy of this text fraa your sporting goods dealer and — study chapters 11 to 20. This has to do with all the fmdamontals _ amd same of the advatwed play, but especially deals with the indive Sine at tenes went initehaeih Gatense, and then Sotto with tenn | Mell ae the exgorttion, sill give youu tory definite iden ad ay het ‘wa expect to tale up in the COUNEe » : Ai Vids sk le ences at te cain: weit a 3 : @apecia’ there are any angles of the coushing aitution thet you "of these, ae I assure you wo will be wery frank: in handling your ease individu a | |“ Ehdty years of eonohing experienc. : s Chapter 22, The Trainor and hia Bquigment, will be very ys definitely taken up, discussing tho training and treating of ath- Ietie injuries in euch a wy that you will be equipped to handle _ ‘the ordinary injuries that face the coach and sane tines keep the Be you ere expooting to mtriculate, ia < mei Selle & Reale’ munber of coaches so that wo can have a wore efficient croup to — teach. if thore are any other questions you desire to write me ~ April 12, 1938. Coach Lewis He Brown, Loup City Schools, Loup City, Dear Coach Browns 3 is 4 a3, 8 vaak ds : el 3 lu iil § i a 8 3 A li 3 Es Bo gH Very cordially yours, Directoy of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches Loup City, Nebraska April 6, 1958 Coach Phog Allen | Univeristy of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Your reputation as a basketball instructor is the reason for writing this letter. I am wondering if you know at the present time where you will be in- structor in a coaching school this summer. I am very anxious to get some basketball instruction and will make every effort to attend any school you teach in that is close. Any information you can give me about any coach- ing school around close will be appreciated. ~+ have written to Browne of the University asking for the same information. Yours truly, Mf Saar /Lewis-H. Brown, Coach Loup City Schools Loup City, Neb. May 17, 19586 especially desire to bring up I would ask that you make uote of all of these, ac I ascure you we will be very frank in your ease individueily, a Se Fs ot eg pr | as noes deine tsk ie l,i definitely taken up, discussing the training and treating of ath- the crdioney injurice that fase tio coash ant oouo times ieep etar player fron the gmoe | | ony about I would be very lepry $9 hour fron yoe | Very sincerely yours, | | Director of Physical Education, . FOAsAR : eee April 19, 1938. j y plan te give an intensive course in ‘basketball /and in the treatment of athletic injuries = both courses for the price’ of one, 150006 The details have not bean fully determined, os yet, but we plan to have a school here and one in the easte ; Do you have eny proference as to dates? I anilid 240d de exh Sim thes de denmnntate the prextial maiber of peoples I shell be gled to hear fram yous As ea a ) ‘Wath best vse T am ih Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches { | . | i H : skot in the treatment of athletic injuries eat the same tine and for the same price, namely, $15.00. . This will be a private venture on my part end no academic credit especially desire to bring up I would ask thet you make note of all of eas I assure you wo will be very frank in-hendling your case as well as giving the clags ‘the benefit of our POAsAH Varsity Basketball Cosche April 6, 1936. completely as yet, but I am sure he will be glad to send you information just es soon as it is available. Secretary to Dre Fe Ce Allen, Director of Physical Education Cherokee County Community High Schaal W. L. BROWN, PRINCIPAL HAROLD BRANDENBURG, VICE PRINCIPAL COLUMBUS, KANSAS April 4, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas . Dear Mr. Allen: Please send me some literature concerning your short course on basketball and athletic injuries. Sincerely yours fl Paul McCoy Director of Athletics PM:CA Hay 17%, 1958e \ I am s to conduct a backetball coaching school here at the University for one wek, fron dume 15 to 18, In addition to my basketball i will give = sourse in the tremtneit of atidetic Ene ee peat wears coy arto 515000. will be a venture on ay part ani no seadenic credit oe oe m your sporting goods dealer and study to 205 Pe ee ee eee some of the advanced pley, but especially deals with the individual mee and individual defense, and then follows with team offense end team defense. The photographs and illustrations, ac well as the exposition, will give you a very definite idea es to what we expect to take up in the courses : Tf thave axe any anglea of the conshing sitation Unt you eoeeee thy Satan So being wy 1 wunthd Sa SAAD yon eatin Soke Om SES ‘ of these, as I assure you we will be very frank in handling your | pvc nggemanogse pc drelrnsginedt camp tonnage tae mod ow years of soeching aittarne. : : i ieee ss Chapter 22, Tho Trainer and his Equimant, will be vory | ' Aprdl 15, 19330° T have been receiving a muber ‘of inguiries shout a coaching sehool this sumo. i em combemplating holding such 2 school here, perbeps in dume or Julye i om wondering which date would suit you better. ng an intensive course of one week's debe, ekteblin: Sats Weel acd Uk. trata 8 athletic injuries for the price of one course, 915600. I | an a 8 ee re ee ee ee too largos 7 T should bo gled to hoar fon you and Joan your proference as to datets ea os eae Ne ere en | and are you ebalying S01 saveiteas 62 tepilidak webibeal FOASATI Varsity Basketball Coachs May 1%, 1988. The dcahitent dtvewine of Ate Samed Sendtéd ab te Hanes aity of Hanan hes veforred your inquiry to ue for replys | I had expected to have @ coaching schecl in the Inst, but due to certain situations that came up at the last minute wo decided not to attenpt to go through with it. “I am expecting to - eonduct @ basketball coaching school hore at tho University for 13 to 185 SS eee ee at the same ul ete ie fis i I will use as a text my mow book, “Setter Basketvall", pub= lished by MoGraw-liill Book Company. I would suggest that you ob~ tain a copy of this text fron your sporting goods dealer and study chapters 11 to 20. This has to do with all the fundamentals and “L@ ! I would be glad 4f you would write mo and let me lmow af you are expecting to mtriculete as I am only taking a limited that we oan have a more efficient group to , so toaahe ee ee about I would be ee | Very sincerely YOUrEy Director of Physical Education, FOASAI Varsity Basketball Coach. : ss May 12, 1938 Mr. Yorman Ae Taylor Box 224 Yarmouth, Maine \ Dear Mr. Taylor: I have your inquiry in regard to the basketball coaching. We shall not offer that course in our summer session this year. I am referring your card to Dr. Allen and will ask him to write you as to the places where he will _ besketbal), instruction this summer. Sincerely yours, Assistant Director Summer Session Xk Yau, ssh odnood, ies asa seul plone yoru es | nw a rou Yu ~ Nowau &. “Yaulon Bax 224 Yon math Warus May 17, 1938. — - | : I at SEG! Ge ah gy ae ae al at sin Ble feat ay pt fil; AF cy 8303 HF goeas eh al [ita rly pap hl dle , ai nia ni aig Ut pee siddiee’s fe aS Be ae g vas been: Sets a ae ie) RE A Bl Director of Physical Education, Varsity Dasketball Coache 3 Your letter of March 28 addressed to Dre Fs. Cy Allen has been reecived during his absence, — to Dre Pe Ce Allen, ; and Varsity Basketball Coaches 2} ASSOCIATED STUDENTS - CALIFORNIA AGGIES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS, CALIFORNIA SS 28 [SF Ms ce, CAEEn: ae, eee ec hh bk Cy | ie ee ee ln em a Ag = fon oe MEMBER FAR WESTERN CONFERENCE tiny 1%_ 1938e tl a. cau o wae ean aes . at the University for one wook, from June 15 to 18, In addition to wy basketball I will cive course in the treatment of athletic | ? at the same time and for the save price, namely, $1560. This will be a private venture on my pert end no academic credit ' will be given for the courses I will uso es a tort xy now bool, "Dettor Paclistinl2"» pubs ee ee aes Gompemye I would suggest that you obe- . Sa wie ee ee a oe ee eee to 20» ee ee Oe Oe ee ee ee ee you | Mapeetaty cenire to bring up 1 would ask thet you make note of all es I assure you we will be Oe ee ee case : as well as giving the class the benefit of our thirty years of experlenses &, FOAsH Varsity Basketball Coaches Se esioot‘grvp on teetetall ent elev te srecimnt Pi of athletie injuries. \\ As soon as Dr» Allen's plans are couplete for the sumer coaching school we will be glad to send you Sincerely yours, eh rants rg Dea Fo Ge AT of Physieal Education “and Varsity Daskotbel} Conche / F. W. THOMAS FOOTBALL COACH UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA | March 29, 1958 Dr. Forrest CG. Allen Director of Physical Ed. University of Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I am trainer at the University of Alabama and am interested in ke bi tetas Mae of your coaching schools to be held this summer. Would like to get additional information about them. Would appreciate a reply as soon as you get these matters definitely settled. Sincerely your yack Stuart, Trainer