May 1%, 1988. The dcahitent dtvewine of Ate Samed Sendtéd ab te Hanes aity of Hanan hes veforred your inquiry to ue for replys | I had expected to have @ coaching schecl in the Inst, but due to certain situations that came up at the last minute wo decided not to attenpt to go through with it. “I am expecting to - eonduct @ basketball coaching school hore at tho University for 13 to 185 SS eee ee at the same ul ete ie fis i I will use as a text my mow book, “Setter Basketvall", pub= lished by MoGraw-liill Book Company. I would suggest that you ob~ tain a copy of this text fron your sporting goods dealer and study chapters 11 to 20. This has to do with all the fundamentals and