May Sp 198Se “Dear Ke Ga: T have been out of tow since the arrival of your ee end I now find myself hack on © Jobe Tho comversntiion I had with John Be Yon Why clarie fied the situation for mes. I had not thought of the Allen Clinic as « camorciel angle. I guees I am dumb) at times. I wrote Jom timt I did not want to bea : Brothers” educators. In fret, I seen at times gust to stick my neck out for more worl. Now I am com vineed that the best thimg has happened, and instead of to do a bit of promoting on my om resources I will go to the other extrene ant devote my sumer to |“ recreation and have a lot of fun. But 26 wie smell cf you, Ze Ga, te peocunt the 3 matter anid I appreciate ee Professor John De's aide sine 0 tb ateiitlan oh eau euneoe time that had I had the slightest notion of their dise taste for the thing fran a comercial standpoint I would i ‘ini tee Wak i tae | teaching, ani I em sorry that I ws such a dub to mot gee thise Sut you know me ~ I am not hyporseusitive, — and I will forget this thing in a minute, but please let the deans know that I considered the teaching more . than the earning of that amoumt of mameye I was just endeavoring to spread what I eomsidered was pedagogy for a gone thet needs it.