' January 25, 19586 Mire Je Me Saunderson, Athletic Director, Morningside College, Sioux City, Tow. Dear Saundys Thank you, Sefludy, for your very good letter of the 15th instante I spoke to Elwyn Dees, our trainer, and he is writing you e letter concerning the possible opening in your departments He realizes there isn’t much chance of your doing anything this year, but he is interested in improving himself and maling contacts. Oe Fee wey eer Tras kis st any Coes You will renember that you met him when I intro= duced you to him at the Des Moines Register and Tribune smoker. He was much impressed with you and wanted to talk to you then, but I thought it inadvisable. I want to thank you very much for the list of your Morningside College summer coaching school of 1957« We may go through with the coaching school idea this sumer, that is, the course on treatment of athletic injuries, and so forth, and some of these boys may be interested. I will write you when and if we decide on thate Who is your trainer, or do you haye one? Perhaps you might be interested in sending your trainer for a — I am sure he would get much benefit from ite With every good wish, I am, Sincerely yours, : ; Director of Physical ee FCAsAH — Basketball Gonthe