Ong “qth "oe UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS (Gas ' LAWRENCE pis — ( cA ee July 14th ~ re os 16 3s? eee | yl ——_ eee eee B. ©. Rowland Footbal 1 Coach Hot Springs, Ark. Dear Bo: I answered your wire last night by night letter telling you of the Fifth Annual Morningside Coaching School which is held at Spirit Lake, Iowa from August 16th - 2lst, 1937. I have just finished the manuscript of my new basket ball text which I sent to New York on July 5th. This accounts for my having only this one coaching school this year. I am sending you a pamphlet of the school so that you can look it over and make your decision. I am to be in New York on August list at my publishers so will go from New York to Spirit Lake for the coaching school. I know that you are going to like this new book as I have definitely put everything in the book that might prove beneficial to a coach on the last minute happenings in basket ball. I have taken care also of all fundamentals in a most generous way. The book should be out by early fall. It has 163 photographs and 86 diagrams so it is generously supplied with visual ingredients. Trusting to see you in Spirit Lake, I am Very cordially yours, = ne \ 3 pireétor of’ Physical Raucation FCA: IW Ene. l.