December 17 1.2 SS. Tir» Kees’ Frecka, Chairma: Coas. Sehool Comittee ; Civic ere hg Bex 111 Portsmouth, 0 _ ly dear un. Frecka: By a queer coincidence, on December oth T wrote tn resty to inquiry from a northern state that IT wuld consider a to minguiiy figs, s northora state that school there from August 16th to August 2ist. ee ee a | 22 tan Wik ages bc ao Cee ht be a we hepoy 6 to learn of your set-up before making a definite ~ statement. I have written these other people for an sok tnake of what their school would pay. I never was the - fellow to try to raise the ether fellow's anti. I do not mow whether you ar ed with ability to teach a class in Athictie In 3 or oe but every that I have been my course on the Treatment of Athletic Injuries has gone over every bit as well if not better than my class in the eens of basket ball. ee I take bad injuries to ankles, imees, _ete., old chronic ones, and endeavor to show them what we do with those injuries, lly first elinies come from the coaches _ enrolled in the coaching sehool. It is not long before I have eee ee eee ee lations and —— we never . charge to anyone for the work that we ca in = aa eonching school. Ye mere- ly use these feliows as clinic material. Bak, the coaching schopl gets a trenendous bit of advertis and the boys in the — schools learn how to treat these njartos. I de not ou. whether you are eequainted with any of the schools that I have been to or not. I have been to Superior, Wisconsin with Pop Warner, Wittenberg and a lot of schools like Lubbock, Texas end other big schools in which the enrollment ran, over $00. This, of course, was before the depres- sion. Ye have had no schools of that size since.