Facilities, Accommodations, Tuition ScHoo.t Faciiitigs: The Washburn College field house, stadium and field, track and baseball diamonds will be avail- able for the school. Plenty of room, lots of shade, pleasant surroundings. You will enjoy it. RECREATIONAL Faci.itigs: Tennis and golf on the college court and links. Swimming in the college and public park pools. Baseball diamonds available. Living ACCOMMODATIONS: Board and room in private homes; individual rooms; meals at the College Inn, and many other available places. All at the most reasonable rates. TulTION: The tuition charge for the entire six days is $10. Total expenses, including living costs, less than tuition alone at most schools. Part time tuition rates, $3.00 per day. Additional Features The Topeka Junior Chamber of Commerce will furnish a dinner and program in honor of the visiting coaches. It will be a night of good food, fun, and real entertainment free to all regularly enrolled coaches and instructors. These boys are going to a lot of trouble and expense to make this session a success and to show the appreciation of the city of Topeka and its sports fans of the coaches of the major sports in out schools and colleges. Other entertainment features will also be provided. Into the six days of the school this year will be crowded a program that will provide more than is usually given in a two weeks school. Come to Topeka the last week in August and enjoy a coaching school that specializes in providing the coaches what they want and what they need. Enrollment will begin at 8 o'clock Monday morning, August 24th, and classes will begin at 10 o'clock the same morning. Everything possible will be done to make the stay of the coaches in Topeka profitable and enjoyable. Many other features not mentioned in this folder will be presented. Send in your name so as to be on the mailing list for future information. If you are inter- ested in a fine school for coaches at the lowest possible cost, get in touch with E. A. THOMAS, Director, Box 14, Topeka, Kansas.