SUMMER SCHOOL OF EDUCATION JULY 2 TO AUGUST 4,. 1934 International Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass. GENERAL EDUCATION Contemporary political systems; French; mental hygiene; mod- ern and contemporary European history; principles of educa- tion; psychology of individual differences; psychology of learn- ing; theories and techniques of teaching. SCHOOL OF COACHING Basketball, (July 2-9) Dr. F. C. (Phog) Allen, University of Kansas; Football, (July 9-14) Andrew (Andy) Kerr, Colgate University; Tennis, (July 2-August 4). Track and Field Athletics, (July 9-14) Earl Thomson, Naval Academy, Annapolis. PHYSICAL EDUCATION PRACTICE Archery; dancing; free-hand and natural exercises for school room; stunts and self-testing activities. PHYSICAL EDUCATION THEORY Anatomy; corrective gymnastics; first aid; gymnastic thera- peutics: physiology; treatment of athletic injuries. GRADUATE COURSES Health education; modern trends in physical education; phil- osophy of physical education; physiological problems in ath- letics: physical education seminar; psychology of physical edu- cation. : CHARACTER EDUCATION AND HUMAN RELATIONS Character education; community organization; educational sociology; heredity, eugenics, evolution; personal and. voca- tional guidance. For further information and printed matter, Address G. B. Affleck, Director.