Football Coaching by Andrew Kerr, A.B., Head Coach Football, Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y. July 9-14. 4 hours per day. $20 As an undergraduate at Dickinson College, Mr. Kerr participated in various forms of athletics. His early coaching experience was in the high schools of Johnstown and Pittsburgh, Pa. In the University of Pittsburgh from 1914-1922 he made an enviable record. At Stanford University as head football coach in 1922 and 1923 and as first assistant to Glenn S. (Pop) Warner in 1924 and 1925, his reputation was still further enhanced. His Washington and Jefferson College record from 1926-1929 established permanently his standing as a football coach and since going to the University of Colgate in 1929, he has left no doubt in the minds of football fans as to his ability. Any coach who during a career of more than fifteen years has won over 80% of the games played with colleges in or above his class certainly has the goods. Since going to Colgate his teams have won forty games, lost four and tied one, and of these last only one was to an eastern team. In 1932 the Colgate team was unbeaten, untied and un- scored upon. In the fall of 1933 the only loss, that to Tulane, saw Colgate on the last play of the game within two yards of the tying touch- down. This phenomenal success is due in part to Mr. Kerr’s knowledge of the techniques of the game, but also in a large measure to his ability and inspiration as a teacher. His methods are worthy of serious consideration by any coach faced with the double problem of managing men and pre- senting football techniques. Mr. Kerr’s strength lies in his thorough insistence upon fundamentals and in the splendid details with which he has worked out systems of offense, perhaps with chief emphasis on single and double wing back formations. His defensive strategy has been carefully worked out and will emphasize formations to meet the forward pass which is likely to occupy-an increased place in the game. Students should come with outfits ready to take an active part in the practices, as both the fundamentals and team plays will be demonstrated on the field as well as in the class- room.