Track Coaching by Earl J. Thomson, B.A., Navy Track Coach, Navy Athletic Association, Annapolis, Md. July 9-14. 4 hours per day. $20 Mr. Thomson’s coaching record is as follows: Assistant to Harry Hillman at Dartmouth for two years. Head coach West Virginia Uni- versity for one year, during which time the University of Pittsburgh was beaten for the first time. Assistant coach at Yale University for four years, during which time he was acting head coach when Yale was the last eastern team to win the I. C.4 A. meet. Has been seven years head coach at United States Naval Academy, during which time all but three of the present Academy track and field records have been set. He has made Navy teams a consistent threat to larger and more experienced teams because of his methods of coaching. Has been coach of the last two Navy Olympic contingents and has had several men go to the final trials. Mr. Thomson’s athletic record consists of having been the world record holder in the 120-yard and 110-meter high hurdles as well as having won the 1920 Olympics in the latter. He won several collegiate and national titles in both the high and low hurdles through the years from 1916-1922, as well as having placed third in the National A. A. U. All- rounds on two occasions. The following is a résumé of the track coaching course which Mr. Thomson plans to give this summer: This will include coaching on the sprints, middle distances, mile and two mile, high and low hurdles, shot put, discus, javelin, hammer, broad jump, high jump and pole vault. Cross country and indoor running will also be considered. The course will consist of lectures, slow motion and the latest still pictures, with demonstration in the classroom and on the field. Students are asked to bring appropriate track gear in order that they may actively engage in the work-outs. Mr. Thomson teaches with the Mannscope and slow moving pictures as well as actual demonstra- tion on the field. His motion pictures are probably the best collec- tion for such purposes that exist. EX PEN S68 ge ee eg es $3.00 Pac C oacuine © Olrse. er eS 20.00 Treatment of Athletic Injuries: ) 22. 2.00 2025. 17.00 Powelandileoe ceric. cosies ad ci pow eN 1.00 Room, per week....cuniicche add-on: adc ee 4.00 Board (Cafeteria) estimate per day.......:. .../.1:: 1.00 Send for complete Summer School announcement of courses in Graduate Work, General Education, Physical Education Theory and Practice; and in Character Education and Human Relations. G. B. AFFLECK, Director