makes one think that "The Sabre Tooth Curriculum,” even today, isn't entirely a mere figure of speecht We cantt expect much of courageous intcllicctual independ- ence unless the academic world is generally more liberal than that, and more concerned with intellectual pioneering, I trust it is. The Life Needs of our day seem to me to entitle us to expect more than that from those who have in custody the training of youth to attack realistically the problems they will face during their life span. Those of us whose years arc past the peak realize that we have lived in the most interesting single lifc span the world has yet seen. We have witnessed greater happenings in scientific discovery, mechanical invention, and social change, than were ever crowded into any single Lifetime in history. More has occured, before the eyes of our generation than whole civilizations of the past ever saw, from their origin to their decline. But the probability is that the rising generation will see so much more happen that they will think of our day as an Alice Set By The Fire period in which relatively nothing much occured. They start with the new 200-inch telescope doubling the knowable universe, They hit the take-off board when peoples and government are fluid with unrest, When the atom is being shattered, when capital is realizing that the worker must have an income to absorb its products, when leisure has been at last related to culture, when exploitation has been wedded to conservation, when chemistry has brought about soilless gardening. They start just as the last uncharted physical areas are being explored with flights over the poles, and the pioneering restless- ness of man must perforce take new directions, seck new worlds to conquer, worlds where social experimenting has scarcely yet begun. They start where integration is implicit in the needs of every day, integration of our knowledge and discovery into the good, the satisfying life, into a synthesized composite of our intellec- tual with our spiritual forces, to produce a new plastic which will provide the a ee