ae Br ~ vs Bowen, — | Dear Dre Bovis oS = Charles L, uatenell aaah me one of his _ famous letters in which he enclosed a clipping from A, J, Garruth's Whispering Willow colwan. OF course, this had something to say about Charles L, Mitchell, which should be complimentary, but 2. best news: that I read in the coluun was ths report of your continued convalescence. - d Dr, Esterly and Dick Yagetaff were tre« mendously interested individuals during all the time of — serious iliness iast spring. + want you $e know that while I have met you only on e few eccasions that it gave me great oa me to know of your return te health, You |. have been a wonde i satisfaction, and you have meny admirers who, although they do not come in oleae contact on rene realize your exceptional _— LE very good wish, S | sinedteky Yours, \