In reply refer to JEM/es HEADQUARTERS ARMY SERVICE FORCES SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISION 25 West 43rd Street New York 18, N.Y. Sl May 1945 Mr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: In reply to your letter to this Branch stating your availability, I would like to report that our athletic program for areas outside the Con- tinental United States is progressing as planned. At this time, Colonel Clark is in an overseas theater of operations, surveying the general ath- letic program and we expect to hear from him shortly regarding the de- velopment of plans for activating new sports clinics. As soon as we receive this definite information from Colonel Clark regarding the development of the program, you will be advised in detail. In the meantime, it will be appreciated if you will keep this office advised as to your availability, or of any change in your present address. Sincerely yours, Ml fifon JOHN H. MORRIS, Ets Golay Tete, Chief, Athletic Branch.