October 9, 1944. Lite Col. He. We Clark, @,8.0.;5 Chief, Athletic Branch, Headquarters Army Service Forces, Special Services Division, 25 West 45rd Street, New York 18, H.Y. Dear Eskies. ' : Thanks for your recent letter. i assure you there was no desire for a commission. I merely mentioned the fact that the Chancellor had brought up the point that he had only released men who had been offered commissions. Personally, I think there is a greater advantage without a commission in working with higher yanking officers than with one. Now, f am writing you hoping that you can answor some of my questions directly. , I am working under no delusions, namely, thet if I left without the permission of the Board of Regents and the Chanc- ellor, I would not expect to retwn here. Therefore, it is necessary that I know some things. Considering all these factors, I am seriously considering the proposition of the Army Athletic Branch 2 7 Would the fair compensation, mentioned in your wire, for the three months period be in line with the pro rata yearly salary of the civilian consultant? - The present date, Ootober 9, would call for some clarifications of the situation soon to enable people to get ready by November 1. Are you still planning on November 1 as your start~ ing date? | 3 Are you satisfied with the responses from other gontacts that you have made regarding reeruiting of civilien cun- sultents for overseas work, and has the progress of overseas forces delayed your starting date?