September 2€, 1944. Lt. Col. Henry W. Clark, ¢.8.C., Chief, Athletic Branch, Headquarters Army Service Forces, 25 West 43rd Street, New York 18, N.Y. Dear Colonel Clark: I am now making a reciprocal request and at the same time I am making an explanation. I would please ask that you consider this latter entirely confidential. When _ wire arrived I took the same to. Ernie Quigley, our new Athletic Director, asking for permission to goe Ernie and I had a rather lengthy conference, but the implied reaction was that he would dislike to see me gc at this time, However, he saw the situation and | informed me that if possible he would endeavor to arrange matters quite satisfactorily if the call came through. I endeavored to call you in Omaha inasmuch as your wire was date- lined Omaha. I wanted a little more information, if possible, so that I could present it to the Chancellor. I found that you were in New York. I had tried unsuccessfully a number of times to make an appointment with our Chancellor, Deane VW. Malott. Finally, as my time was running out before the expiration of your deadline on the 25th, I called the Chancellor over the phone and read him your wire. As I suspected, he was not overly enthusiastic. He is a member of our Rotary Club and I asked if I could see him at the Rotary meeting, but he had other appointe ments. I sent the wire to you without getting an approval from the Chancellor, feeling that I wanted you to know that I was very anxious to serve. I told the Chancellor at an Athletic Board meeting once that if I had an opportunity to get a commission that, while I would not seek one, I would certainly accept one if it were offered me. On Tuesday morning, the 26th, I had aneppointment with the Chancellor and he was very adamant that I had no right to send the wire that I did. I had consulted other peopia and they were very sure that the Chancellor would not fail to honor the wegen’ 3 if it came through, but up to the present he had. I have been very active in war work here, being secretary of the Selective Service Board, was chairman of the Douglas County Red Cross