@g@ War Pund drive last fall, chairman of our War Nursery Comittee, and also serve as University chairman for all the various bond drives, as well as a number of other boards connected with the war effort. Having been in the first World War, but never having an opportunity to get across, I thought I might be of some service in your outfit, and for that reason I felt the request might be granted. I have a son in the army Medical Corps and have helped with the war effort in every possible way. The Chancellor stated to me that he had never released a civilian for the war effort, except when the men were offered comaissions. The Chance ellor is serving on the Army Aviation Committee and with other war industries and I thought he would see the perallel of this situation. lis statement to — me was that they are starting on a new athletic era, that the football tean is going fairly good, and that they had no one to take my place for basket- ball. Ernie Quigley stated to me that it would be possible for him to secure a basketball coach. So there you are. The Chancellor asked that a copy of your wire be left with his secretary, as well as a copy of my wire to you. He was going to take it up with the Board of Regents, but he doubted whether the Board would approve my going. I felt in fairviess to the whole situation that I should notify you of the exact status so that you would be in position to look at the overall picture. You mention that our going depends entirely upon the wishes of the ——s general. I am wondering if there is any possible way that if oe Se general should express his wishes they might be conveyed to chie: I certainly want to help the best way possible, and I do not feel that coaching a basketball team on home soil is the best way to do it. The Chancellor countered vy saying, “We will release you Maroh 1 after ~~ basketball season is over." I told the Chancellor very definitely that the armed forces apparently knew pretty well when they wanted this personnel used over there and that March lst would be too late. Do you not agrees with me in this? I shall regard anything that you might say to me entirely confidential, end will thank you for a reciprocal attitude. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach.