Complete in Quadruplicate STATE OF KANSAS Retain the PINK copy D EPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE Send the other three copies to Dept. of 801 HARRISON, TOPEKA Civil Service. PERSONNEL REQUISITION Agency Organization Unit Title of Position UNIVERSITY OF KANS Rep nt Cinw. Proposed Pay Rate Number of Sea pe ee aes oe is Name and Title of Former Incumbent (Give only number and class if more than three) ° . 6S hn Sic ceeccaleeiee per month Type of Vacancy: Less: $....°PUGTS™.... maintenance Replacement New Position” Preferred Method of Filling Vacancy: Kind of Appointment: Starting Date.......... Let. w! pAh 3 Raa Permanent [J Pl Work wOriginal Appointment () Promotion Tempora ue p, _ - ace of oF (] Reémployment (0 Transfer rom tud~ | seFesesecereeeeeee to... 99. seeeeceteeeeseeee . manips Part-time 0 LAWRENCE CL Reinstatement ; Explain | Describe the specific duties and responsibilities of the position or positions to be filled. Duties and responsibilities change from time to time, therefore a new description should be prepared each time a position is to be filled. If more space is needed, attach additional pages to this form. Explain any special qualifications needed. If possible, avoid direct quotation from class specifications. Equipment to be operated : Essential special eae Check sex required: Se eae Wale: 25..202. bs. female Employees Doing Similar Work Employees to be Person who will Supervised by Appointee Supervise Appointee Names and Titles (Give only number and class, if more than three) Number Class Title Name Class Title F.c Allan Velen Signature of Supervisor "@ Signature of Appointing Authority Date FOR USE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE Allocation Salary Method of Filling Vacancy List to be Used By: Date Signature of Director of State Civil Service 19-5024-0 9-42—10M Sets ages