WALLACE & TIERNAN SALES CORPORATION CHLORINE CONTROL AND CHEMICAL FEED DEVICES NBWARK, NEW JERSEY ZONE 1 May 26th 1944 University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Gentlenens= Attn Mr. F. G. Alien Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach We wish to acknowledge with thanks, receipt of $1.00 énckosed with your levver of May 26rd. We regret to advise we have cnecked your account and find we only received $45.40 to apply against your (POV 3497} and 3589. May we ask that you kindly cneck une payment of $52.20 further and advise us accordingly. Very truly yours, WALLACE & TIERNAN SALES CORPORATION Lhe . DEPARTMENT CAR P0V 3399 Bsr) WALLACE & TIERNAN CO.INC. CHLORINE CONTROL AND CHEMICAL FEED DEVICES NEWARK 1, NEW JERSEY OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES May 17, 1944 7 e University of Kansas Physical Education., Lawrence, Kansas Gentlemen: A review of your account indicates an amount outstanding of $96.48, represented as follows: 4/7 $5.cs—_—___Doy 3477 wh a gene: Anica fil 43.40 4/29 49.45." May we ask thet you kindly forward a cheek to cover the firet item listed which is now past due. “ Thanking you in anticipation of same,’ we remain Very truly yours, WALLACE & TIERNAN ee. rian BGR EDIT Ux May 25, 1944. Mr. Je Ae Tiernan, Credit Department, . Wallece & Tiernan Co., Inc., Newark 1, New Jersey. Dear Mr. Tiernan: This will acknowledge your letter of Mey 17th regarding our account with your firm. We find the follow- ing: : Our Purchase Order Voucher #5497 was written for $60.00 to cover the two items of April 7 and 29. These items total $55.08, leaving a balance of $6.92 due us on this POV. Our Purchase Order Voucher #3389 for $35.60 was written for the original order of April 24, before ' the eost of the meter chamber base and one foot length of hose were added. These two items totaled $7.80. Our total payments to you (POV #5497 and #3389) emount to $95.60, which leaves a balance of 88 cents due you, which is enclosed. I trust this explanation is clear to you, and that you will find the accowt is in order. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach, WALLACE & TIERNAN SALES CORP. ve Y 0. ‘ CHLORINE CONTROL AND CHEMICAL FEED DEVICES sent: NEWARK, 1, NEW JERSEY 7343-" OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES Your Order nisi ae Our Order No. BOOM... cca University of Kansas Shipped .............. B MWe Physical Education Via _...... BEPRORS...PDde....&.... SOLD TO Lawrence, Kansas ‘Delivered Apri] 29, 1944 TERMS: 30 DAYS NET DUPLICATE PAYABLE IN NEW YORK FUNDS PRIORITY CMP5A, RATING AA.2, ALLOT:MRO USE DP, CLASS B.1 our order No. SC0-7343-A shipped 4/24/44 | Our order No. KO-3794- shipped 3/23/44 1 Std. repaired comp. 30.00 1 Std. repaired gauge & dia. 8.00 Ll Tube assembly } Ze 1 Ball & seat check valve Se 1 Box assorted MSP gaskets - 2 Le 6 45,60 Express Charges= 1.95 YAbove material 8. Items(s) will be secured from| 9. Name and address of probable sup- (check one): plier: OIncorporated in product. Rie equipment for your own anufacturer. ODistributor, . use. . Exported. [/Maintenance, repair, and operating | (Wholesaler. Retailer. Wallace & Piernan Sales Corp. ° (Other (specify). | Own stock, 426 Board of Trade Bldge 9 or permission to DYes n which you will ONo 10. Has a previous application for this item(s) been submitted? LJYes LiNo ° cornpiats the Pronnnt i Ir Yes, Was IT— DATE FILED CasE No. use the item(s) requested. OGranted. OBy Washington. Ir Yes, UNDER WHAT ORDER? ODenied. = (By field office. L M training progrelte 12, Explain why it is necessary to make this purchase at the present time. would necessitate expenditure of several hundred dollars to pu condition, and it would still be obsolete equipment. with a very heavy load of Army and Navy trainees in To replace old chlorinator which has been in service over seventem years. It + wnit in operating pool is operating their required physical Page 1—TRIPLICATE 16—-36138-1 Form WPB-541 (Formerly PD-1A (7-6-43)) ANSWER ONLY IF YOUR REQUEST IS FOR PRODUCTION MATERIALS. 13. List for the division or plant in which ITEM WILL BE USED, the total dollar value of business by groups specified below. Fill in column (a) if you have orders scheduled, OR if you are engaged in a service industry such as hotels, repair shops, you may fill in column (b) instead. It is not cleaners, etc., necessary to fill in both columns. 14, Do you have a rating which you may apply to ee delivery of THIS ITEM(S)? O a, If yes, indicate present rating in space below oe ps YOuR 3 . : Bee Ramine FOR DELivery IN| DURING Past | PERCENT RATING AUTHORIZED BY: RATING Ctangy NEXT THREE] THREE MONTHS MONTHS : (a) &) c) WPB-541, or PD-1A (see question 10, page 1) AA-1 and above WPB-2613, or PD-870 . AA-2 to AA-4 (in- CMP Regulation No. 5, 5A clusive) CMP Regulation No. 8' All other (rated and P Order (specify No.) unrated) Other (specify) : Toran 100 15, Item(s) for which priority assistance is requested (DELIVERY DATES MUST BE SPECIFIC) tities Rae | Patong] umavE BLANK {16.°ofthss Number quantity items in your Gi titi d Description of Equipment Material. Use z A inventory Pasties Order Description in Full (including Weight in Pounds salle cer ten uaa b jeauested| “Number ‘ and/or deliv- if Requesting Raw Materials) shipment Month Day Year APPLI- of Rating ery promised CATION units assigned | (exclusive of will last | #PProved items in this (a) (b) (e) (a) (e) | © (g) (h) i) request) 1 Type MSVG-M Vacuum Chlorinator fo equipped with 4 lh. meter, spare 10 lb. meter capacity, standard accessories $1215.06 1 5 | 16 | 44) lo- | i 15 same years Page 2—TRIPLICATE 16—35138-1 Form WPB-541 (Formerly PD-1A (7-6-43)) 18. If item(s) for which assistance is requested will be CAPITAL EQUIPMENT or will be used to REPAIR capital | equipment, give : following information. (Check CMP Regulations Nos. 5 and 5A to see if edpanete assistance is already provided.) tA. The item(s) on winch rating is requested is: O For reserve stock. O To repair present facilities. O Other (specify). 0 To expand present facilities. I To replace present facilities. a a B. Do you now have any equipment similar to that for which you are applying o “Yes” provide the following informa- tion.) sd Yes [1 No ie : MAKE AND MopDEL No. ToTaL CAPACITY : (Give size identification if applicable) AGE ConpITION NUMBER OF UNITS (All units) Needs much repair @+ tor. J 7 vrst obsolete. a | C. How will you dispose of present equipment if requested item(s) replace it? | Send to company from whom new unit is purchased, for trade allowance D. Does your supplier have item(s) in stock and ready for delivery? [xt Yes L] No E. Explain how you now do the work for which you request this equipment, and why your present method cannot FRe avesrep _. Much repair work has been done on present chlorinator in past few years, Houta t mee * new parts have been installed, and many mae new parts are now necessary ee eee to put it in first chass operating condition, It would still be obsolete | 19.3"|,.W™ equipment, and will need repairs from time to times It has already served | beyond its normal lifetime. 15 a yrs DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE DENIAL REASONS: The facts presented do not warrant the granting of assistance for the procurement of the requested item(s). ie item(s ) is needed for purposes deemed more essential to the prosecution of the war. Your application is accordingly DENIED ee CERTIFICATE - You Are Heresy AvurHorizep to obtain the item(s) listed in Section 15 (in the quantities specified in Column (h)) To obtain the authorized quantities of steel, copper, or aluminum, | Apply the ratings assigned in Column (i), in aoCortayes with use the allotment s an) MRO in accordance with CMP regu- Priority Regulation No. 3. er No. 5, or 5A, and the certification in CMP regulation Oo. * ee : : Page 3—TRIPLICATE 2 WALLACE & TIERNAN SALES CORPORATION CHLORINE CONTROL AND CHEMICAL FEED DEVICES NBWARK, NEW JERSEY Ue ee BME District Sales Office Ora ia as 426 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING Naw Kansas City, Moy ch.25 1944, fe) University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas Attention: Dr.F.C.Allen Dear Dr.Allen: In accordance with your request we are pleas- ead to quote on our Wallace & Tiernan Visible YJacuum Ch- lorinator, type MSVC-M for replacement of your swimming pool Chlorinator which has been in service over seventeen years. It has been the practice on chlorination of pools in recent years to install this Vacuum type equipment. Our inspection of your present equipment shows that 1t would necessitate expenditure of approximately $250.00 in order to place this unit in operating condition and,at the same time,you would have obsolete equipment. At the present time there have been parts in- stalled and others which have been ordered for this equip- ment at the approximate cost of $100.00 and,in consideration of your order for new type equipment,we will be pleased to cancel invoices on these parts and service rendered and,in addition,allow you a trade allowance of $50.00 on your present unit. We are submitting our proposal covering our Visible Vacuum Chlorinator at the total price of $1,215.00 f.o.b.4awrence,Kansas,less $50.00 allowance,leaving a net of $1,165.00. We are attaching with our proposal,priority appli- cation PD-1A which will be necessary for you to file to secure proper priority rating for the purchase of this equipment. This quotation is subject paid for in full. Sales tax, if a Wallace & Tiernan, Sales materials, but its liability is li PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY TO THE KANSAS CI OFF Form 1028 8-7-42 1M , os se WALLACE & TIBRNAN SALES CORPORATION University of Sansas Lawrence, Kansas. Page 2. Trusting that we will be favored with your order for this equipment,we are, Yours very truly, Encl.