WALLACE & TIERNAN SALES CORPORATION CHLORINE CONTROL AND CHEMICAL FEED DEVICES NBWARK, NEW JERSEY ZONE 1 District Sales Office 426 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING Kansas City 6, Mo. Apr. 26, 1944, Mr.Forrest C.Allen,Dyrector Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence a Kansas Dear Sir: We received a letter from you dated April {th,addressed to Mr,Gyulay,advising us that the budget committee had approved the purchase of the new Chlorina- tor for your swimming pool. We have heard nothing from the B,siness Orfice with reference to the purchase of this equipment. Is there anything further we can do in connection with this matter? Yours very truly, WALLACE & TIERNAN SALES CORP. G2 kr oot ROGER W.PRATT, ASST.DIVISION MANAGER. This quotation is subject to thirty days acceptance and to our usual terms of payment: net cash thirty days from date of invoice; title to remain in us until the equipment is paid for in full. Sales tax, if any, to be added. Wallace & Tiernan, Sales Corporation warrant for a period of one year after shipment that the apparatus shipped, of our manufacture, is free from defects in workmanship and materials, but its liability is limited to the replacement, .f. 0. b. Newark, N: J., of the defective parts thereof, * PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY TO THE KANSAS CITY OFFICE Form 1028 8-16-43 1M