” : Form WPB-541 (PD-1A) INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING WPB-541 (PD-1A)—APPLICATION FOR PRIORITY ASSISTANCE General: Please type or print answers. Fill out WPB-541 (PD-1A) in triplicate and sign only duplicate copy in space No. 17 on page 2. Retain the triplicate copy for your files and send the original and duplicate to the nearest Field Office of the War Production Board, Ref: WPB-—541 (PD-1A). ~ You must make a statement in each numbered space from 1 through 17; either supply the information requested or write “none,”’ ‘not applicable,” etc. If application is for capital equipment, answer question 18 also. A separate application must be made for each class of material or product (or capital equipment) commonly supplied to you by a single supplier, for example, steel, electric motors, and precision tools; also a separate application must be made for each use (or product) for which such material (or capital equipment) is required, for example, if you manufacture both motors and refrigerators you must apply on a separate WPB-541 (PD-1A) for switches to be used in each. Before filing this application, you must be sure that you will not be violating the provisions of existing L and M orders by acquiring the material or capital equipment for which you request priority assistance. Willful violation of any of these orders constitutes a misdemeanor and the violator may be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more . than a year or both (Second War Powers Act, 1942, Sec. 2 (A) (5), P. L. 507, 77th Congress, 53 Stat. —.) Where a rating:is requested for use of facilities only, that is to get work done and not material delivered, sunstitute the word “services” wherever “item” appears in a question. In question 12, state why you need to have this work done at this time. Definitions: _ Applicant means person, firm, or corporation who has placed or intends to place order(s) for material (or capital equip- ment) for which priority assistance is requested. Supplier means person, firm, or corporation who has received, or will receive, order(s) for which priority assistance is requested. Product means that which is produced from the material (or by capital equipment) or the service which is rendered by the use of material (or capital equipment) for which priority assistance is requested. Material means raw materials, semifinished, or finished products, not including capital equipment. Capital equipment means machinery, equipment, or other implement ordinarily acquired as a capital asset for use and not for resale. 1 Tf additional information is desired, communicate with nearest War Production Board Field Office. RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF WPB-541 (PD-1A) APPLICATION FORM AppLicaTions By DisrrrpuTors.—WPB-541 (PD-1A) may not be used by distributors, jobbers or wholesalers for material, including capital equipment, for resale. This form may be used by distributors, wholesalers or jobbers only to (1) purchase capital equipment used by them in their own establishment, or (2) request a higher rating for maintenance, repair, and operating supplies used by them in their own business. Distributors, jobbers, and wholesalers when applying for a rating for material for resale should use Form WPB-—547 (PD-1X). BuanketT Priorrry AssistancE.—WPB-541 (PD-1A)' may not be used where adequate priority assistance has been made available to your industry under priority orders and regulations or CMP regulations. For example, CMP Regulation No. 5 provides ratings with which necessary maintenance, repair and operating supplies may be secured; CMP Regulation No. 4 provides for some deliveries by warehouses without the use of ratings; Priorities Regulation No. 19 provides ratings for dealers who sell farm equipment and supplies. APPLICATIONS FoR Prosecr Ratines.—WPB-541 (PD-1A) may not be used in requesting ratings on capital equipment when construction is necessary to install the equipment, unless the total cost of the equipment and its installation is less than $200. WPB-617 (PD-200) or WPB-2570 (PD-200-c) must be used in requesting ratings for construction and equipment or for equipment when construction is necessary in its installation and the total cost of the project is more than $200. APPLICATIONS FoR MATERIALS ror Export.—Exporters or foreign applicants when filing WPB-541 (PD-1A) in any of its permitted uses are not required to submit information requested in items 16 and 18-f. Under question 4, state consignee’s business, if known. APPLICATIONS BY INDIVIDUAL CONSUMERS APPLICATIONS BY FarmMERS.—Farmers should file WPB-541 (PD-1A) only after contacting dealers, nearest county farm Rationing Board or WPB Field Office to determine whether the item requested can be obtained under the provisions of Priorities Regulation No. 19 without submitting an application. APPLICATIONS FoR Cry1niaN Puumpine anp Heatine EquipmMent.—WPB-541 (PD-1A) may not be used by the occu- pant or owner of a private dwelling to apply for priority assistance in obtaining new plumbing, heating, domestic cooking equipment (except electric), for civilian residential use. Such consumers must use WPB-2631 (PD-851). APPLICATIONS BY OTHER INDIVIDUAL CONSUMERS: For nonbusiness use.—Unless the item you want to buy is restricted by a WPB order no rating should be required to purchase it. If you do need a rating, answer only items 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 17, Page 4—TRIPLICATE 16—35138-1