WALLACE & TIERNAN SALES CORPORATION CHLORINE CONTROL AND CHEMICAL FEED DEVICES NEWARK, NEW JBRSEY ZONE 1 District Sales Office 426 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING Kansas City 6, Mo. Auge ekth, 1944. ’ ° Dr Forrest C.Allen Dif.Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas Dear Dr.Allen: This will acknowledge your letter of August 2end,addressed to our Mr.Gyulay who is out of the City. He will: be making a trip through 4Sansas the first part of September and will stop and see you at that time,if this is agreeable to you. Yours very truly, WALLACE IERNAN SALES CORP. % EX. ges - STRANG VISION MANAGER. This quotation is subject to thirty days acceptance and to our usual terms of payment; net cash thirty days from date of invoice; title to remain in us until the equipment is paid for in full. Sales tax, if any, to be added. Wallace & Tiernan, Sales Corporation warrant fora period of one year after shipment that the appa ameant f o ae es ts ther materials, but its Hability is limited to the replacement, f. o, b. Newark, N. J i ratus shipped, of our manufacture, is free from defects in workmanship and f the defective parts of est PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY TO THE KANSAS CITY OFFICE Form 1028 8-16-43 1M