WALLACE & TIERNAN CO., vices CHLORINE CONTROL AND CHEMICAL FEED DEVICES NEWARK, 1, NEW JERSEY OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIEs JUNE 27, 1944 STATE OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS Your eis NOs .5..25 Pov. 4193 prec reree Our Orper No........... 1.1962 pre Beet cae Enclosed please find...................... er eee eee ee ee ee Tote e eres eee ceeeeee esac encereeseeeseeee sees sense eee sees eee eseeee ewes ee eee ees ESE OOe See Seen eeeeeeeeeeeeeenesenereseeens ener ese eee tenes eeeeee eee e see eeeseeEeeeeTee nese eeesee SEEDED EEE eee ee eeeeee Ee ee eeeeeeeneeeeeeeeeneecescccceccecceeceeeeceres covering shipment of material to.UNIVERS.J.TY...OF..KANSAS,..PHYS.I.CAL...EDUCAT.LON...... WOPAM MET (POO), LAWRENCE MANSAS. 0 nel ecb on....6-24-44 , in accordance with the above order. We trust that this shipment will be received promptly and in good order. Any damage to, or non-delivery of, material should be reported at once to the freight or express agent, securing notation on bill of lading or express receipt to that effect. This should then be mailed to us immediately with your letter listing the damage or shortage, and quoting our order number in order that we may enter claim. Very truly yours, WALLACE & TIERNAN CO., INC. Order Department Form 958—10-20-48—5M