May 15, 1943. To the Budget Comnittee: Mre A. W, Livingston, chief engineer for E. We Bacharach & Company of Kansas City, Missouri, after making a final inspection of the swimming pool filter and recirculating system in our gymnasium, has offered the suggestions in his letter of May 14. A carbon copy of the same is attached, for your observation. After removing the filter, rock and gravel from the mammoth steel drum, Mr. Livingston recommends a replacement of 100 brass bushings and loo Type $ strainers, together with 2100 pounds of filter gravel and 4200 pounds of Blue filter sande The total is $107.00, This sand ‘and gravel come from Red Wing, Minnosota, and it is apparently the only sharpegrained sand that will do the jobs This mterial is necessary to get the filter functioning for our Summer School program. ‘This is a "must", and it is listed as an emergency. I am there- fore sending a requisition through the Business Office for this needed material. You will see by Mr, Livingston's letter that his total bid is $847.00, including the item of $107.00 for sand and so forthe Therefore, I would likes te recommend to the Budget Committes that we ask Mr, Livingston to go ahead with the recirculating pump and motor and the other additional items that he mentions in his letter, The othor itens would smount to $740.00. This includes the labor of installation, plumbers, and material and all equfpment. This is a bid to complete the gobs | _ il asked Mr. Livingston for the address of some tile and marble people so that we could get bids on the possible installation of the 1275 tile to replace the broken ones. Of course this would be an additional expenditure. and rather a heavy ones I am going ahead and asking that these various firms submit bids for the replacement of these tile and I will submit that to you at an early date. I called attention to the heavy expense to the University through the leakage of five thousand gallons a day due to faulty tile. Very cordidly yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity 'asketball Coachs