WAR PRODUCTION BOARD Washington, D. C. March 1, 1943 2610, Tempo S Bldg. Inorganics Section Chemicals Division To All Purchasers of Chlorine: All shipments of chlorine made on or after April 1, 1943, shall be shipped against a three-months! allocation. Therefore, it is neces- sary that two copies of your PD-190, Application Order for Chlorine, be in the hands of your supplier on or before March 10, 1943 (March 5th if your supplier is not an actual producer of chlorine}. This application shall cover your chlorine requirements for the months of April, May, and JUNE « If the total liquid chlorine you purchase during April, May and June will be 2000 pounds or less per month, or if the chlorine you pur- chase will be used for Potable Water Treatment, Industrial Water Treat- ment, Swimming Pool Sanitation, or Sewage Treatment, it is not necessary that you file a PD-190 form. However, your three-months’ order must be received by your supplier at the same time as though you were filing a PD-190, and must carry the certification clause as previously outlined to you by your supplier and provided for in General Preference Order M-19 as amended December 1, 1942, If you do not come under one of the above classes, you must send your order and two copies of form PD-190 properly filled in to your supplier. We realize That the present PD-190 form is not particularly applicable to the ordering of chlorine for a three-months! period, Therefore, we submit the following, specific instructions to assist you in filing your application. With the following exceptions, all columns are to be filled in exactly the same manner as you would follow when ordering for one month only. 1 HEADING, “Application for Delivery During Month of . This portion of the heading should be filled | in to read "April, May, June 1943", PART II, Column 19 : Should show the quantity of chlorine requested from all sources for three months, PART III, Column 25 Should show the guantity of products which con- tain available chlorine which you propose to purchase from all sources during the three- month period covered by your application,