MONSANTO CHEMICAL COMPANY ORGANIC CHEMICALS DIVISION St. Louris, Missourt December 11, 1942 University of Kansas Physical Education Dept. Lawrence, Kansas. Gentlemen: WAR PRODUCTION BOARD PREFERENCE ORDER M-19 AMENDED DECEMBER 1, 1942 COVER- ING LIQUID CHLORINE. os Attached is copy of the new amendment giving instructions as to how you may procure Chlorine beginning January 1, 1943. Some of the restrictions covering the use of Chlorine have been removed. All orders for January should conform with the requirements of the December 1 amendment. Persons requesting January de- livery of 2,000 pounds or less, or any quantity whatsoever for the use in treating industrial, sewage, potable, or swim- ming pool water need not make further certification. If your order or form P.D. 190 for January has already been sent to us, we will handle in accordance with the amended M-19. 3 All users shall henceforth file their orders so that they reach our distributor before the 5th of the month, or reach us before the 10th of the month, preceding the month in which delivery is sought. W.P.B. frowns upon interim requests. | This is very important as. we will not be allowed to set up a reserve for any use. Will you please notify the proper people in your organization regarding the instructions to place orders before the 5th or the 10th of the month so that we may continue to take care of your requirements as you are in need. Yours very truly f haw pr I. IJS: LW AsBistant Manager of Sales