Sept. $0, 1941 Wr. Ie de Stanley, Jre Assistent Marecer of Sales. Monsanto Chemical Company St. Louis, Moe Dear Mr. Stanley, Thank you for your letter and enclosure of Sept. 3 explaining your set-up in the production of clorine. We understand fully your position in this emergency. Our situation here is that our pool serves most of the 4000 students enrolled in the University of Kansas and since swimming is a required course, it is necessary for us to. keep the water safe for the student's use. ; We have found in the past that one cylinder of clorine is enough to supply us for two years. Since our last order was filled in August of this year, we do — ‘not expect to need more clorine until the summer of 1943. ‘Thank you for your letter. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recrestion FCA/pe - Varsity Basketball Coach