OIL LEASES FARM LOANS OIL ROYALTIES INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE H. M. STARR CLAFLIN, KANSAS November 5th, 1939. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Daar Fogs I have deen waiting at home and at the telephone for your call or appearance but thought now i better write relative to the visitwe talked about some time back. Ha. Ha. Presented your letter to the principal of the school and showed him how busy a fellow you were going to be about that time and he too could see that it falls in a period when y6éu are getting ready for your basketball season and that left only about a couple off dates open in the week of December xkxk 10th and that simmered down to about Tuesday Dec 12th or Wed Dec 13th. Now Dr. if that happens to be your busy — time them we will just have to pospone it until next year and then try tuxget to get together for a banquet date and in the meantime I may be able to see you this following weekend to say helloe Best regards to you, Mrs and the family and if you can give me a reply I will forward it to the principal of the school here in Order that he can go on with his plans. Thanking you and remaining as ever, Your Friend