March 10, 1944. Mr. Henry Frnke, Athletic ane fulea University, - fulsa, Oklahoma. Dear Henry: : —-E enjoyed the visit in ow home the other evening. I promised to send you the information on Dexin, the lemon juice, glycolixir and betulin. Dexin is. the trade nam for a Burroughs and Welcome product, an Baglish comcern. Dextrin is the solentific name. We use about a tablespoon of dexin and half a lemon to each cup of the concotion. This is given to the ed just before they go out at the begiming of the game and another small eup is — given to them between halves when they come in. If you made this a reguler daily diet I would give it to them after they have had th shower bath just before they start home. | Wie.” Sa vets boys SEIt thelr feed Alter & bird’ peection; wind iw & miGGle es Piet they are more thirsty then they are hungry. This takes the edge off their hunger ond still the lemon juice will stimulate dicestion. the giyeolixir is a Squibbs product. One tablespoonful measured in ajigger or small class is sufficient once a day. I would also give that efter practice if you use but one tablespoonful. meal. The aclentific name for Glycolixir is Glycine. . qty’ Netalin 4 the trade neue that Lilly gives to betulin: Pale tn elena’ af Utell tid So SM It is a B complex. These a could be given one after each meal if you want to build them up. I queried the dooter as to why they should be given after the meal and he said it sometimes upsets the stomach and produces gas. I know that my son, who is now a senior in the medical school at the University of Pennsylvania, refused to take them at all. He said it caused him to beleh and gave him an uncomfortable feeling so he would not take them. td But he was a chap who did his own thinking anyhow, and I always doubted whether it gave as much distress or whether he just didn't want to take I have never insisted that any boys take any of this stuff that they did not want to take | I also use the Savita yeast tablets. This is a Battle Creek produst and -@udle We retail for 50¢ for 100 tablets. You can buy them through a wholesale grocer for about 373¢ for the hundred. ‘They contain a jot of vitamins and they are fine to give to a squad to prevent con- stipation. Sowe of the boys are very fond of them, and others won't take them, but someone lecturing to the squad can show the beneficial effects of them and most of the boys will want to take something that will help a SS ee ee : I am giving you a little further netiatcitan of the etondtute and betulin. I trust this gives you the information that you desire. “Acoumulated evidences in. the last few years would indicate that the giving of vitamin § compound, glycine, and deatrose would aid in restoring cardiac reserve when it is lost through various types of Gisease . . » « e and those who are umler great physical strain.” "One capsule of betulin compound three times daily after meals. “A tablespoon full of dexin in glass of lemonade ten minutes before game tims and between halves. "A tablespoon full of glycolixir by Squibb (glyeine) three times daily.” Be With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Diresteor of Physical Education, FCA: AH : Varsity Basketball Coach. x 7 =| WEN - = This is a full-rate : DE=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- NL=Night Letter gram. umniéss its de- : ferred character is in- ) LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. A. N. WILLIAMS Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters i is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination KAZ68 17=TULSA OKLA 6 150P a DOCTOR FORREST FOG ALLEN= 4 oe ATHLETIC DIRECTOR UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS: ee re *°PLAN TO BE IN LAWRENCE LATE TODAY OR TOMORROW WILL CALL YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOUS HENRY FRNK Avs FRNKA PPCe. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE September 2, 1943. Mr. Bill Forayth, AS-V12, University of Pennsylvania, Mor 42, gan 42 Philadelphia <, Pennsylvania. Dear Bill: : I got a letter from Bob yesterday he had met you on the campus at Pem. be a fine thing if you could zo ball team. You would have the ee ee es go these two should stand you in good make you more versatile. E to think the of style ar ae ~~ mB 8 . % T é : HH i E f | oF 8. yy I am happy you lixe the Jayhawk Rebounds. We will keep them coming. Write us from time to time regarding any interesting things regarding basketball at Pennsylvania, and we will try to get it in the Rebounder. Also tell us any news regarding any of the other V-12 boys at Penn. Den't worry about last winter, Bill. iI sometimes jolly a fellow along because I never want him to feel that he is too much of an angel because he might die soon! You get me, don't you, Bill? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAAH Varsity Basketball Coach. AMERICAN THEATRE WING (ila. lphia me pi Che Ss Broad and Locust Sts., Philadelphia, Pa | Bagued Abs 2 hex Dx. a We come i the pas oe oe eB Bae I nce 0 ee Speer a a ns eda fo Goel def pee Oe Poe Heart oppeaicl a Peot Abo te $00 Y, ae pret Pree Ae ema Socom RAR BEF a re ee putes EME creed ae de GP ey parE ES if _ é ! , Sate are ee i Ak ear Spe caine sacar: § ey a ie cee RecA eee a gt Vout tee : ee Saas i = z : mi SY ; Si oe peer eee 7 Re ; a . 5 * r a 7; : : : me en Heo ted. Vgere - XO QL aks Fecal, ee Sea sete ts Comerionton Qua 28 Seve! Navi Ma Nauy at | / DV (sUsHe ef ecearatatihons © pote? cE LADS Named Misd, pore : aeerqed fe Ma acvarriad achpek bern oot ook A | | dois Leer vines shen hes pales a repl sj oe Y den & oe Sikh CE SF unas fhe dag AAU. xl doe Sate spe See on ge ae Pet O34 arr Qe An ermlad oasan Br Thain Geass horr b pane Seton oy atancoa ee eat ohn geeae alah fatbion Ben got ae Zi hola re i elias aiellnale iia ewido aa es peas Sis soa! * ss opihaneghinnoael bes epost file les Ge te Noadrtel, Va. fey AST? eee agents fo wi OE naa jt ld he a 4 Fy ah aatiah eee” head Koln Be teow, Lruf Hasgra heed of "oie bond” rr OMorg belael Ue. t aacinn Agel Ul ha kh aa paced dS i ike aim — aon ene My elaine wth be foe naererone See | — fon ta fg yup «bi sil p oe vee we i Come corre cen 4 Sen nlions ” AY Mow serell [ialiocendter, en 2, wes Pier 7 Smmainieinaeee — cop omit Sted amet, 0565381 _~ Base Physical Training Officer ~Will Rogers Field » Oklahoma - - - 12 July 1944 Dear Dr. Allen: Can't tell you how happy I was to receive your Jay~Hawk Rebounds - they bring back memories of old times and the boys are really doing a good job in the war. Noticed in your last edition that Charlie Black was at Will Rogers Field and one of our sub-bases - Coffeyville.- He would really make a combination with Ed Milkovich, All American from Duqiesne University, who is stationed here. We had a fine record last year =--were the only team, other than the Phillips’ Giters, to beat the Navy Skyjackets and we beat them twice. Was wondering if you intend having some kind of basketball coaching clinic this summer. I would like to goto Lawrence and take a couple boys from this base, if possible. A clinic is being held in Tulsa and one in Oklahoma City but would much rather attend one that you conduct. The sports writer was telling me you have conducted clinics in Oklahoma City in the past. My twin daughters are getting along fine. They look, so much > 8 34 alike I can hardly tell them apart now. Heard from Bill Bunson a couple 139 weeks ago. He just completed his fourth year in the Navy and is now stationed somewhere with the Pacific fleet. He has a wife and baby that he certainly would like to see. Doc, how about putting Will Rogers Field on your schedule when you come to Oklahoma next year? Am sure we could give you a good game and I know the boys would enjoy staying at Will Rogers Field if they can. There is nothing I would like better than a game with Kansas. Our physical training program is getting along fine. We have been emphasizing competitive sports and have been getting the most out of our men in this heat. Hope to hear from you soon. Give my regards to anybody around that I may know. With best wishes, I remain Sincerely, ULF Chet Friedland Dr.Forrest C. Allen Physical Education Department q 3 ‘University of Kansas 151, 3%, byt Lawrence, Kansas Lt. Col. C. Je Frankforter, Commandin;, Officer, Army Service Forces, 7th Service nanan, Headquarters, District No. 4, 1202 Netional Bank of Topeka Building, Zopeka, Kensaie Doar Colonel Prankfortert Your very good letter of the 23rd ultimo has been received and greatly appreciated. ek well acquainted with 8/S¢et. Harold Gill. oe ee ee hime I had an opportunity to have a short visit with him in the rush 1 I em glad to know that he is your right hand man because I hold him in very high regard. Kindly give him my regards. Thank you for the kind invitation to call at your hegdquarters when I happen to be in Topeka. It so happens that Mike Getto, the coach of the Brooklyn Dodgers who is now ruming for his father-in- law, Billy Hutson, the Eldridge Hotel in Lawrence, and I are going to be on EB. A. Thomas's Kansas State High School Athletic Assoola- tion Coaching School in Topeka August 22 = 25. If you are in town I certainly will drop by and have a visit with you. It will be most interesting to discuss the friendly warfare between Kansas and Nebrasim, on and off the athletic field. 2 Thank you for correcting me on the spelling of your name. I will satin seiktla Gk Wha uewne aqui kaasink % wee Siek see anek aeons the ‘ot to the tu’. 2 oy te Oe es See ee : affable secretary in Major aa's office gave us But a Xensan shouldn't start alibi~ in the initial stages, should hes a Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Bhnnithy FOAAH | Varsity Basketball Coach. WAR DEPARTMENT ARMY SERVICE FORCES, SEVENTH SERVICE COMMAND HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT No, 4 1202 NATIONAL BANK OF TOPEKA BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS In reply refer to: CUF/b jm 23 June 1944 Dre Forrest Ce Allen, Chairman Committee on Program and Exhibits, Douglas County Fifth War Loan Drive, Department of Physical Education, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Dre Allen: Many, many thanks for your courteous note of 21 June 1944, It was kind of you to take the trouble of writing me and I appreciate the note. Really, this headquarters did but little but it was a privilege to do even the little bit. I am sorry it was impossible to do more. I attended your meeting at Haskedl Stadium the other night but had to leave early and did not get to meet yous You had avery fine program. s/Sergeant Harold Gill was one of the non-commissioned officers whom I sent over to the Sunflower Ordnance Works when a request was made for some men in uniform for the program Tuesday night. I believe you kmow Sgt. Gill. He is a Lawrence man. He is my ‘right hand man' here in this headquarters. You may or may not know that I have been on the faculty of the University of Nebraska for thirty-six (36) years. I was in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Our schools have certainly had a bad time during the past year or so. It will be wonderful when this infernal War ends and we can get back to normal againe I would be glad to have you call at our headquarters any time you happen to be in Topeka. Please let me call your attention to an error in the spelling of my name. There just isn't any 'u' in the name. The ‘tut is an ‘ot, thank goodness. Sincerely yours, Pe ee e' Je FRANKFO Lt. Col. 2 Infantry Commanding Officer ~/70 848 56 » Baar Lutin, Nol. CZ, Etogsr 2D, 350 % Pm, MY, MY, meg Ad hin, Mer, : i An a . ge a tee Ct oe ee Pern : | | + Mtg dy J oe et Cy mm til thy Cede, ce GPE Ay ehiacg fae et Whe hake heaad firme Pmt enatt, fon 4 — a5¢ tad atl te Meany hd ated BD yam hell?! ahilee cu pore Le 08 Mig ant Ws tals agai i —e Be Gum, A Cat Lille ie banned Strvs Thay Col we Kemeny ead, tat bun Ce teks pplhee SiragAd handed sor 7 dnmpuatimint pate os : — tan 0 tin heal @ me, Vhad an tutiedin ti. weet we yon Wendt BF gai jh ad fc A 9 fy pm tom : A Wtth te bared : nee ++ ain Mike, etnies ox a mn tybed tab Hotere cba ae , 79 dk that Gs Fikes ocekjaae ee) —- hin Teer