September 2, 1943. Mr. Bill Forayth, AS-V12, University of Pennsylvania, Mor 42, gan 42 Philadelphia <, Pennsylvania. Dear Bill: : I got a letter from Bob yesterday he had met you on the campus at Pem. be a fine thing if you could zo ball team. You would have the ee ee es go these two should stand you in good make you more versatile. E to think the of style ar ae ~~ mB 8 . % T é : HH i E f | oF 8. yy I am happy you lixe the Jayhawk Rebounds. We will keep them coming. Write us from time to time regarding any interesting things regarding basketball at Pennsylvania, and we will try to get it in the Rebounder. Also tell us any news regarding any of the other V-12 boys at Penn. Den't worry about last winter, Bill. iI sometimes jolly a fellow along because I never want him to feel that he is too much of an angel because he might die soon! You get me, don't you, Bill? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAAH Varsity Basketball Coach.