December 2, 1942. Mr. W, W. Fuller, Fuller Grain Board of Trade Building, Kansas City, Mo. — Shen Mr. Fuller: Thank you for your fine letter of November 29th. I am sorry that we do not yet have our supply of printed schedules of our basketball games, but I am enclos- ing a typed copy which will give you the dates. The Iowa City Pre-Flight school found it necessary to cancel their game with us on January 25th, end since there have been one or two other changes we have delayed in getting the printed schedules. However, X wild be happy to send you a supply as soon as possible. T am happy to know that you are getting the _ Lawrence Journal-iiorld, and I am sure that a subscription to the University Daily Kansan will give you still further information on basketball news. I believe the subsoription to the University paper from now until the end of the basket-— ball season will be about $1.50. | We are extremely busy with our conditioning — program in the Department of Physical Education, and I find — do my coaching at night. 3 tape Mak yin wOtE Aw ake be ons anie Of our games in Lawrence, as well as those in Kansas City. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, E F Direotor of Physical Education, PCA:AH . Varsity Basketball Coach.