L. A. FULLER, PRES. Aor —J Ar peer | W, W. FULLER, SEc.-TREAS. t \ y| \ i op a4 {Sey i Y} SS t Aly} ‘ (fs oy Te 2S) SNS WEF EE OY \ a FULLER GRAIN COMPANY INCORPORATED GRAIN COMMISSION MERCHANTS BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. KANSAS CIIryY, MO. November 29, 1942 Dr. F. C.Allen Director, Physical Education Univerd ty of Karsas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: With tl start of basketball season so close at hand, here I am to annoy you with ca@respondence. In spite of gasoline rationing, I hope to see a few games in Lawrence as your a pearances tere in Kansas City this season, will not be enough to satisfy me. So, will you please semi your schedule. I wish to congratulate yar m the excellent jo you are doing for the armed forces in your Physical Education Department, but sin- cerel y hope that it does not take any of your’time from the vardity basketball squad. You see, I am a little selfish in this. I am subscribing to the Lawrence Journal World as I bel ieve it may give a little more inside basketball news than the Kansas City paper. If you believe that the Kansan has still mae basket ball news I will subscribe to it as I did the last year my daughter was in school. Very best regards and wishing tle team a successful season, Sincerel y, Pe We. W. Fuller WWF :sALF