November 10, 1942. Mr. F. M. Parmer, Principal, Colby Commmity High sohool, Colby, Kansaae Dear tir. Farmer: I am sorry that I have delayed in answering your good letter of Cotoher $9. Shs Risin aii A Gc 10 0) ace es Mies te ns ball is taken off the backboard until it crosses the division line; that is, on « driving offense. In high school the time would be slight- ly. less than this because the court is shorter. I always figured from three to five seconds a team with a rushing offense to get a shot at the basket after they take the ball off the ent‘s backboard. Por the set plays it takes about 15 seconds, but the ball handling is slower and surer and after the team crosses the division line they must set all their men and then begin with a slow deployment. Personally, we come across the division line in about 5 seconds and the play is pulled in about 5 seconds more, or a total of 10 seconds on a set play. Qn a fast breaking offense we will get a shot at the basket from 5 to 7 seconds. Personally, I like the two men in and three out offensive set play formation because it leawes the area around the basket open for a drive in. My two forwards are about & feet from the corner, end line, and side line on each side, and my three rear men are about & to 10 feet from the side line and about eight feet from the division line. The reason I do not favor three men in is because the post man's defensive men congest the area around the basket. If you have an exceptional post man you can float him in from one of these set forward positions and — ee ee en oe oe GOrnere Anawering your last question in the last paragraph, we stress pressing the opponent's guards, but it is, as you say, rather loose guard- ing. If you press them too closely they will drive by. I like the re- treating defense withaa checking pressing game. We act as if we are going to play them close but we drop back because the five men present a more | complex problem in driving through than if the defensive mon are distributed out over the whole court. I think you can get that point. I am still playing the stuff outlined in my bock, with veriations according to the power of the attacking team. Trusting this gives you the information that you desire, I eam Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ‘ COLBY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL F. M. FARMER, Principal COLBY, KANSAS October 29, 1942 Dr. #lien | University of Kansas Lawrence, Kensas Dear Mr. Allen: I wonder if you would take a few minutes to answer several questions for me, As you know there are many school men who will have to go back to coaching again this year to keep the school program alive and I am one of them, I know your help on the below questions would guide me in some decisions this year. Several years ago, 1 believe between 1930 and '34 a study was made of the actual time in a game that a team had to score, that is, after taking the time used in held ball, out of bounds, bringing the ball up to the defense and other time consuming phases of the gam. Wheat 1 would like to mow is do you have the time 18ft te score information? Perheps this question is answered as far as you are concerned by the fact you have I believe favored this type set up; the question is the#f#&@a base floor formation set up that gives tle offensive team a better driving angle than others, for example, does the three men out and two in offer more strengy to the 8ffensive team than a two men out and three men in? In reading your books on basketball 1 have noticed you stress pressing the opponents guards as they bring the ball up the court, should this be a leose guarding pressing game, or close? What tactics do you advise other than those outlined in guarding situations in your books. . Yours truly F, M, Famer KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE MANHATTAN DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS July 16 5 1943 Doctor F, ¢. Allen Director of Physical Edycation University of cae Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: . I,realize that I am a Little late in making up my mind as to. what I am going to do this next year. .I have decided ‘to stay here in the high school. They have given me a very attractive offer, and I feel this is probably more peneanes and dekaueee for me at pre- sent. a a _know I would have enjoyed working with and for you and Henry Shenk a lot, and I may be making a big mistake.: Howéver, in face of the housing situation, moving, and the duration proposition for me there, it seems my decision is sound, : i. destraly appreciate the opportunity and your interest in me, sincerely, We SF cen Lud Fiser Mire Lud Fiser, Ceach, Manhatten High Scheel, Manhatten, Kongase Seni Lass I desire te know what decision you have mde in regand te yeur pessible change. It is fer me te have your decision at an early date. I will appreciate your reply. “Very cerdially yours, Direoter ef Physical Bducatien, FCA: E Varsity Basketball Coach. June 5, 1943. Pvt. Wilson R. Fitzpatrick, Co. B, lst C.W.S. Trng. Regt., Camp Siebert, Alabama. Dear Bob: - I was mighty happy to have your letter of May 24th, and we will follow your instructions regarding the gold basketballs when they arrive. Bill Brill's address is: Pvt. Me. HL Brill, Co. D, 10th Bue, I.R.T.Co, Ft. McClellan, Alabama. Hope you cau get in touch with him. | We are preparing a mimeographed letter to send to all the boys telling of their locations and activities, and I will send you one as soon as it is ready. I am sure you will enjoy reading about the boys. With kindest regards and best wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. WH ogee jot phy Ee ited lh i Ap cin 4 7“ fo Aa Chinn Che / Cougpnecy Wing i: le Thin 44 er a 9 tom ad frag tefl Ste, Mt See (00 fan. Siuce all haps. ¢ elie AS a AIW MALE Kunweno 44, / Ail (al fe fren dat thet #0 mite fone Hh bag tna!) sone di Spee ime ge tt Move in ee ae ayaa PA. tem ty rote — Cy. b, 1O TH Bw. PT. May Sl, 1943. { Mr. Williem Forsyth, | Medicine Lodge, Kansas. — Dear Bill: = ies ale Os te ee: Sa at Ws Ss ete _ I thought you did exceptionally well for a sophomore. We did not have any differences, that I recall, except the time when you were not ing. That, of course, would never have happened hed you trained. — Personally, I thought you had a a lot of —— ability, but of course Schnellbacher and such men as you had were just a little too much for you. tot too, Sper HsSpaden and Dixon Me will agese Sime 86 taken & pace sgieucael be tent ue the out of a position. Sparky trained perfectly, had the old fire and will to ee ee Oe ee ; : Ray Evens was another boy that gave everything. You alwys fink tn See ee ee eee ee ee on the team. ies acy Me ses ak pee PP ak i hs gk to send your father the basketball when it comes. I% should be in soon. Please give your good mother, your ded and your uncle my kindest regards and remember, Bill, I am for you a thousand per cent. then you come back I will be coumting om you giving that extra ounce of devotion that you withheld slightly heretofore. | I am sending you ea mimsographed letter that I have written to the boys in the service. This will bring you up on the addresses and location of them. The inking is not good but these are cone oe: he VE ee ee Hope you enjoy it. Sincerely yours, — Director of Physical Rducation, PCA:AH —— Basketball conch. Weg Ae fees (teste Cellar, te ule | MSG Si Foreyth dare cn on ae Gadyy. Baya probat§ dno get 4 that a men Geir es at thee thro Ustlly meat aol etal phage backeLbet) of 4 Diels BG cca os rey, INCORPORATED GRAIN COMMISSION MERCHANTS BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. KANSAS CITY, MO. April 30, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Indeed thank you for thinking of me with the mimeographed a to the boys in the service. This is an achciiee idea indeed and I will make it a point to show it to Mrs. Don Ebling, who is back home now after enjoying a stay _ at Norfolk during part of Don's training, then a most enjoyable stay in San Francisco and San Diego where he had further training on the i destroyer Farragut. Mrs. Ebling was Marjorie Siegrist, a very good friend of ours and _our daughters room mate at Lawrence, I hope this good letter will reach Don, but I doubt it. We think “ is in the Aleutians, but this is just between you and I, and we must not let the government know that we know it. Marjorie, Mrs. Ebling, got it through their very very private code. Again thanking you for the kind remembrance, I am “iG, W. W. Fuller SUITE 623 ARGYLE BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI April 17th, 1943 ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Cc. B. FRANCISCO, M. D. Cc. L. FRANCISCO, M. D. Forrést C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Director Allen: I shall give you a ring when I come up to Lawrence on the thirtieth and will be pleased to see yoUe Sincerely, C.B Francisco, M.De { CBF *HF PeSe Iwas delighted to hear about Ray Evans and believed to know that fe had gotten to Floridae C.BeFe SUITE 623 ARGYLE BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI April 17th, 1943 ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Cc. &. FRANCISCO, M. D. c. Le. FRANCISCO, M. D. Forrest C. Allen, In re: Dave Shirk Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Director Allen: I g@m sorry to have been a little slow in looking up Dave Shirk and his x-rayse 3 I saw him on March 1lst., 1938 and he stated then that in July, 1937 he did a back flip dive and injyred his foot which became swollen and uncomfortable and had had a little trouble sincee On examination at that time I was not able to account for the pain he complained of in the region of the right great toe joint as the physical examination was negative ws were the x-ray findings. I furn&sked him with an anterior arch pad, told him that I did not see any contraindication to his playing football and if he had any further trouble to let me know and I have not heard from him since, so hope he is all righte Yours sincerely, A ae CeBe cisco, M.De CBF*HF April 12, 1943. Director of Plycical Education, PCA AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Pvt. Raymond Evans, A.F.R.P.Ce, ‘St. Petersburg, Florida. April 12, 1943. Drs C. B. Prancisco, Argyle Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Dr. Francisco: TI telked to Deve Shirk, coach of Augusta, Kansas, high school, regarding the possibility of his coming into our department next year. He stated to me that you had exam ined him ané teken pictures of his foot where he had some touoh of arthritis. © I am wondering if you would give me your opinion as to ; the condition Dave was in at thet time. I am not sure whether Pave came to your clinic out here, but it was my understanding that he went to the University of Kansas Hospital at Rosedale and thet some piotures were taken of his foot. — Dave thousht he might be placed in I~A, but I am gure with this history of arthritis he is not apt to be called. We are. looking for someone whe cen assist us es all of our physical education majors are leaving for the Army and most of our young men are gone. Therefore, our only. hope is getting some . individual who is in a deferred alass due to such case as | Dave's. I will appreciate this information at your convenience. Very cordially yours, 3 : Director of Physical Education, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. April 15, 1943. Dr. C. B. Prencisso, Argyle Building, Kanses City, Moe Dear Dr. Francisco: I understand that Friday, April 30th, ts your regular clinic day at Lawrence. I would like very a ee Pee See See eee ee She See the day, at your convenience. Cordially yours, Director of Physical Edueation, PCAAH Varsity Basketball Coach. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE March 29, 1943. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Dre Ce Be Francisco, Argyle Building, Kansas City, Moe Dear Dre Francisco: I just had word frou Leavenworth this morning that things are shaping up so Ray apparently is going to get away without being delayed. I want you to know how very much I appreciate your kindness in offering to see the Commandant. I have been assured, however, that things are working out for him to get his desires, and I will wait until I see you sometime to make full explanati one I would rather not write it, but I do appreciate a thousand times your willingness to helpe Sincerely yours, t Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coache Dear Phog: I called the Colonel Monday and he was very sympathetic and very interested and said he would look into the matter and felt it would be possible in time to work it oute Needless to say I am delighted that it is working out because I did not like the deal at all. With kindest personal pecoc ales My Sincerely, : Ojos Pees co, Mareh 3lst., 1943 April 5, 1943. Yr. Milford Franks, Jr., e Resicocas, New Jersey. Dear Milford: Thank you for your very nice legger. I am glad to know that you are interested in basketball, and hope you enjoyed our game against St. Joseph's. I am enclosing an autographed program of | one of our home games which I thought you would enjoy. I would be happy to meet you, and hope that : you will drop in to see me if you are ever in Lawrence. With best wishes to you, I am ae Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation, | \ PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. \ March 18, 1945. yaithaiinclias i tee Mevlaiae Rak Gounn, We te vegwonietts your loyalty to the University drive. The Red Cross dfive ee ee ee meee Pipl, are admitting they slipped ea little, but the hill people — everybody by their — Willingness to gives Eleenor, who is aleo at the University of Pennsylvania, is getting married this fall. Myre. Alle and I both extend our best wishes to you, and wish to congratulate you on your progress in the Army. You are doing a swell job and we are proud of youe I read your letter to Dolph Simons, of the Journal-llorld, and he wes mighty happy to hear from youe I aiso want to eall your mother end let her know how mich we appreciated your letter. With kindest regards and best wishes to you, I am Fraternally yours, Direotor of Physical Education, PCA Ali Varsity Basketball Coach. # Be A bs JU llr ee “7 a Ma ee ee y oe phage ab BL igl Mead hse agh de pet (ahr i Ji AE Zz, oe ie ee Ree, LQ ‘ utd a S aa Be ei free wate - Z § ae | Hl Hi He ree : ie te th on: aT yours, Laveotor of Physical Bducation, Varsity Basketball Coachs PCAsAn KANSAS CITY, MO. idk] 9844 “March 3, 1943, Mr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas. Dear "Phog":- "Orchids" to you and your Basket Ball team, | The Alumni and the friends sf ths University are proud of your achievements. My kindest personal regards, / Sspeorely a el i. | | pes) a im zy March 15, 1945. Mr. a, We Fuller, Puller Grain Coe, Board of Trade Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mrs Pullers You bet, I would enswer words of congratulation from you to our boys. We think that you are a swell sports~ 3 man and a fine supporter of the Jayhawkers. For that reason we thank you for you kind words. Wishing you and yours a long life, health and proaper- ity, I em Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. . L. A. FULLER, PREs. FULLER W. W. FULLER, SEc.-TREAS. Yi INCORPORATED GRAIN COMMISSION MERCHANTS BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. KANSAS CITY. MO. March 10, 1943 Dr. F. C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens: This is merely to congratulate you on another very suc- cessful season with "your boys", It is probably just as well that the armed forees pre- vented your entering the N.C.A.A. Tournament, because I feel positive that with your first five intact, you would have gone to the finals in New York which would have proven very expensive for me, as you know full well that I would have had to have been there. I am sincerely hoping that this big struggle is over soon so that we can get back to normal, or to school. With very best regards, I am Cordially, Mt Gite WWE:G Si oe