January 18, 1942. Lt. Sam Francis, - Ats. 110, | Ft. Francis E. Warren, ‘iyoming. Dear Sam: Thank you for your note and check for $4.00 of the 15th instant. I am very happy to autograph a copy of “Better Basketball”, and mail it to you. I trust you will find it very helpful in your coaching. I wish particularly to call to your attention the Tales of Yesteryears, in the back of the book. I believe you will enjoy reading this section of the text. With best wishes for your continued success, I am | | Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache PY 0 fev tdland CoB: 7624 Br. & eee ee fF an igre aH Rebinse, ack [; = aa 1942 ARK: ane SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ]) De. ferresC. Bi/zn Yo D2 lT fy see S72 caHing Wanye SI OF fan ses January 25, 1942. Pvt. Chester Friedland, Company B, 76th Bne MoReTeCas Camp Robinson, Arkansas. Dear Chet: I was very happy to receive your card, and to mow that you are now stationed at Camp Robinson. Give my kind _vegards to Mrs. Anderson, and to Colonel Fairchild. / Chet, I would like for you to write me sometime re- garding from your courses here in First Aid end the Treatment of Injuries ~ - with no embellish- ments, of course, just the stuf. relationship to the work you are now doing. I believe this would be both helpful and interesting to the students we now haves ; f fe; IK e esas a ie ek Ue Miehihng Sate cen oe to Camp Robinson, just what your work is now, and what you are preparing for. Of course, we don't expect you to give out eny military secrets, but I believe you could write a letter that ScadA aelccha the oludintee ik we Vive’ Aid wines that will ope next semester. , It will be a great pleasure to hear from you ageine With all good wishes for your continued success, I am Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: All Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. - Pebruary 10, 1942. a. Ur. Bob Pitepatrick, 1621 Edgehill Road, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Bob: When I settled with you after our trip to Wichita I gave you $6.88, the regular fare. I that the railway company made us a special rate of $5.72 on this trip. Therefore, I paid you $1.16 too much. If you will leave this amount in my office some time soon I will greatly appreciate it. ; Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. March 5, 1942. Drs Ca Bs Frencisoo, Argyie Building, Kansas City, Moe Deer Dr. Francisco: I imediately took your request to Barl Falkenstien and as usual, in his generous fashion, he stretched a point and is going to get you seats on the front row at the end of the Missouri bench. He is a charm in all situations. Yor may knew Wins any Sins pos all we yon - receive our immediate and undivided attention. The tickets will be held at the ticket office until just before game time. They will then be taken over to Hoch Auditorium and you may call for them at the window. With every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, FGA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. L. A. FULLER, PREs. W, W. FULLER, SEc.-TREAS. INCORPORATED GRAIN COMMISSION MERCHANTS BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. KANSAS CITy, MO. March 9, 1942, Dr. F. CG. Allen Physical Education Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor. Allen: Your acknowledgment at the dinner, last Friday night, was very nice indeed and your acceptance in Hoch Auditorium, before the game, was perfect. You covered the entire field beautifully and I am writing a short note to Mr. Elbel thanking him for the opportunity of attending. NG, We. W. Faller 3 1261 Board of Trade Bldg. WWF:0. Kansas City, Missouri. CLASS. OF SERVICE TE 5 E RN — SYMBOLS cee | DL=Day Letter This is a full-rate Telegram or Cable- : NF = Oveenicht Telegrara co unless its de- erred character is in- ( 3 0. ) LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. . B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. SC. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of med BPTANDARD TIME at point of-destination KAV22 17=KANSASCITY MO 18 909A DR F C ALLENS DIRECTOR PHYSICAL ssbiasivh UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS — CONGRATULATE BOYS oN DEFEATING FINE DEFENSIVE TEAM AT OWN GAME THOUGHT OUR DEFENSE EXCELLENT NOW FOR COLORADO= WW FULLERs a Age (~ 939} THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE WESTERN UNION Kansas City, Mo. March 18, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas. Congratulate boys on defeating fine defensive team their own game. Thought our defense excellent. Now for Colorado. W. W. Fuller. Beloit, Kansas Mareh 18, 1942 Dr. Forrest C, Allen ‘University of Kansas. Congratulations on victory. See you Friday. Early Chestnut, March 51, 1942. E : rf i ak an Mesa 1Othy aul een to my Pirst Aid class and demonstrate some of the things you are doing. It is a great satisfaction to menibers of the medical profession recognise and appreciate the value of the training you have received. - We are looking forward to seeing you in Lawrence if you are able to secure your pass at the time of the ' With best wishes for your continued success, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Educetion and Recreation, PCASAH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. Cool Ji Mar! mp lo A s072G ey. AMERICAN RED Cross HTC = ~~ . a AL) . ors aabuncl me Aeon! ts ces oo ths Arms, Aq + AMERICAN RED CROSS hts, mel Lele ch oR a Crmmamdlan oct bee in ee KL Meher, aie ‘Sa ace oe, + AMERICAN RED CROSS icing se lar am + AMERICAN RED CROSS petals Gelecet,, sede ow Golan > fey 0 din ABD 1 Ciud fabucan, joer WH Jira Phos lle. Trainer’. dD rma beiue 79 a y ve “To furnish volunteer aid to the sick and wounded of armies...... " and “To act in matters of voluntary relief and in accord with bad military and naval authoriti medium of communication between the — of the United States of America and their ri ti 0 b p ind Army and Navy...... * The Charter of The erican Natio id SS, April 8, 1942, Miss Betty Fitzpatrick, 2926 Victor, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Miss Fitzpatrick: | I was very happy to receive yous letter this morning end I assure you it was an added pleasure to extend any enall courtesy that we could in your behalf. You and your friend were the number one rooters for Kansas. We are for- tunate indeed to have such one hundred per centers. If at any time I can be of any service, please command me. Yes, we did have a very interesting and enjoyable season, I thought, even with a disappointment thrown in here and there. I am also glad that Bob made his varsity letter and will ce Se ee Oe ee ee She You and I can both share that pleasure with him. | With all good wishes, and awaiting next year's basketball season, I ana Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. 2926 VICTOR KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI de prev, teed @ 4+ Cerlacnty Ztae April 15, 1942. Sgt. Chester Kk. Friedland, Go. A, 107th Bn. M.R.T.C., Camp Robinson, Arkansas. ‘Dear Chet: It was a pleasure to forward to the time when y visit the University. I want to use you as chi lecturer in uy First Aid class, and I know the students will be delighted. Let me know ahead of tim are coming, because I want»to be here. I have out of town a few days. make With best wishes for your continued success, IT om Very sincerely yours, pirestor of Physical Education end Recreation, POA: 48 Varsity Basketball and Basebali Coach. ae Aprii i0, AMERICAN RED CROSS Dr Forrest C,. Allen Dept. Phys. Ed. University of Kansas Lawrence, Hansas Dear Dr. Allen, Returned to camp from a short furlough which I spent in N.Y. and found your letter. I Was very happy to hear from you again as I always ami} I was also glad to hear that the First Aid class was interested in my letter. I hope they ealize that they are receiving instruction in First Aid that is far superior to anywhere else. I am very happy that I had the opportunity, and when I was promoted to Sergeant after being in ‘the Army only 5 months, I realized it more than ever, April 18th, is the last day of our present training period and I doubt thet I will be able to make it then. But sometime in the near future I expect to get some time to make the trip to Lawrence and I will be happy to demonstrate and letture on some of the things we do in the Medical Corps. Let me take this opportunity to Congratulate you on the 17th consecutive Big Six title for K.U, and I hope this streak continues for many more years. I will visit Lawrence as soon as [I can, and would be very happy to hear from you again, Very sincerely yours at al “To furnish volunteer aid to the sick and wounded of armies ..... " and “‘To act in matters of voluntary relief and In accord with the military and — authorities as a medium of communication between the : 5 = United States of America and their Army and Navy...... ” The Charter of The American National Red Cross. of Congress January 5, 1905. May 5, 1942. ecrharauie, Kansage Dear Mrs Fields: I agswre you it is ea pleasure for me to auto- graph the Graduate Magazine which you sent me. 1 am returning it to you under separate cover. Also, I wish to thank you for your kind words regarding our coaching, and your good wishes for next year. Your a Se ee appreciated. With best wishes to you, I am Very sincerely yours, { Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. April 28, 1942 R. BR 2» Box 99 McPherson, Kansas Dear Sir, I am siniiee wales separate cover a copy of The Graduate Magazine. One of the teachers in McPherson Senior High, a graduate of K. U. herself, knew that I was interested in you and so she passed on to me her copy of the magazine. The idea immediately popped into my mind that I would like to have your autograph on the front cover of it. Would you be kind enough to autograph the magazine on the cover page and also at the top of page seven and return it to me? Now for a few bouquets tossed in your direction}!- I have long admired you for your adroitness in handling dificult situations. You have always been an outstanding person in the basketball and also the rest of the sports world in my estimation. Many have criticised you for making various statements that they considered were entirely out of line with the situations. I still contend that you love to argue merely for the fun you receive from hearing the big stories that the other sec puts up. Nevertheless I think that you are a swell fellow and you are one of my idols that I try to pattern after.Enclosed are two three cent stamps ve for you to use on the mailing of the magazine. May your team have the best of §uc@ss = next year and I hope that you have the best of luck . Yours sincerely, Wile plod ae May 28, 1942. Sgt. Chester Friedland, Co. A, 107th 2Bn., MR.T.Co, | Camp Robinson, Arlansas. Dear Chets — ee ee — hnepe $0 ih 20 bie pueeiln for you to setean & Conl-Bi standard, as I am sure it would fit into your recreation progrem. The equipment is made by the Medart Manufacturing Company, of St. Louise or material for your information. — ine ae duit geVikig wk coves tu tt Ge ameter, and are making plans for the opening of summer school which takes place next Tuesday. We shell be happy to see you whenever it is possible for you to come to Lawrence. | With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. S51 Fricdlanc! ee Message Continued Here * oo « Z ep af of, Coe ot “SF : fh CR cay dune 9, 1942. he Kansas City, Moe Dear Less baeag ° al nae i if a ai i a ig 3 iy Ai 5 e84dt ia nA ih ue pi i 8 ail ft g2% yaa good wishes, I am FOUTS, | i 4 i D. KEEDY CAMPBELL, GenerAL MANAGER R. C. CAMPBELL, PersonneL DinECTOR FRANK E. DUBACH, GENERAL Aupitor LES R. FREEBURG, Asst Gen MANAGER LOREN V. BROWN, Gent Sates MANAGER KEITH W. DANCY, Gent Crepit MANAGER ARNO F. HEINRICH, Factory MANAGER KARL H. ROYER, Gent Mpsz MANAGER MARION H. MILLER, Puaticity Director £-AN-S°A.3 OC It YS S20 bo. FS Ce Sots cP A Ub as /S09-//-1/3 BALTIMORE AVE., Aays-s; Crapsz Me, June 11,1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: Doggone it! You make a sale for us and then we can't deliver! We do not have a single one of the Turf Bowling Sets in stock at the present time, and we have had an order in with the manufacturer since early last month. In these days of uncertainty, your guess is just as good as ours as to when we will get delivery - but Karl Royer tells me that his guess is that it will not be more than ten days before we get this stock. Certainly we will be glad to handle the order direct with Dean Ebright - we will give him our best price, and we will bill the set direct to him - his credit is good with us! Copy of this letter is going forward to Dean Ebright, so he will understand the situation. Thanks a lot for sending this additional business our way ° Yours for victor LOWE & CAMP L. R. Freeburg LRF/rw ce= Dean Ebright. MINNEA POL VS0 °C TNC PN NAT Tw PT Pos 8 UCR GH <6 Woke HoT NGG ON GO Ev Bop AND ' 3D ES MOC E-NiE.S 2: -C WIC A-G.0.. >. DALE eS DB TR Oot FD BN VaR RS VOR A CoS: Bees NAS HAV dL GR ee OU ACR i On PTR: 6 BOSTON 2 2H ILA. De iP Bl BW OORk GC EBS Ree July 1, 1942. Wir. Bernard Pragier, | : 312 Prank Strong Hall. | Dear Poco: 5 Gaal cae chi Weeks ie see ad Ds tine kh invitation to attend the housewarming of the Bernard | Prasiers at 931 Missouri Street, but it happened that Mrs. Lindley had her daughter-in-law, Betty, and her two children here end we had been asked out to a dinner party at tho vans Hearth et the same times At a quarter of ten we listened to Ernest Lindley broadcast from “ashington, so there was no opportunity for us to get over and pay our respects to the Praziers. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, and the Allens are indeed sorry that we could not attend. lie know that the housewarming mw% have been « grand success with the Pragioers as hosts. Simerely yours, ; . a Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH ‘Varsity Basketball Coach. February 10, 1942. Ur. Max Palkenstien, 546 Bast 19th 3t., Lewrence, Kansas. Dear Max: I didn't know until just recently that you had become a member of the big league amouncers. Mrs. Allen heard your voice and told me about it. Your diction is excellent and your voice is very pleasing to hear. ; ‘This is just a note of concratulation. I am glad to see you make such rapid progress toward success thet we knew you were destined for. We are very proud of these young people who do not wait for their parents to put them in a soft spot, but work their own way ahead. I kmow that you are a source of great satisfaction to your parents, and we who are standing on the sidelines are also very proud of youe With best wishes for your success and happiness, I am Very sincerely yours, Mrector of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AR Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.