Februeary 8, 1941 Mr. ¥. A, Forsberg Coach, Leavenworth High School Leavenworth, Kansas Year Wally: In answer to your request please find enclosed our basketball schedule. I regret to say that Mre Falkenstein of the Athletic Department handles all ticket sales and he informs me that n concession is made to high school students because of the la k of roome All seats are seventy-five cents (75¢) except in the second balcony which are twenty-five 4 at the present time we ere completely sold out for the Nebraska and Yrlahoma games so I would suggest making reservations now for the Kansas: “tate or the Oklahoma A & M game. We would like nothing better than go entertain may 3 of the high schools guests at these games, but we hve only 100 more seats available than does Kansas “tate. The main difference is thet we do not constantly bemoan our situation. For twenty years we have had teams th t everybody wanted to see play and have never had more room than necessary to accomodate our stu- dent enrollment. We too need a fieldhousee It was a pleasure to me to be of assistance with your boye On our Christmas jaunt back east we learned of a "gas mask" soap used at West Point to prevent glasses from fogging over and impairing vision. We have an order in with our R. 0. Te Ce unit, and I believe you should certinaly be able to ob- tain a supply from the Forst near youe Vigth kindest personal regards and best wishes for success the remainder of the weason, I am, Very cordially yours, Director fo Physical Hducaton and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach -FCAth1