Leavenworth Senior High School QO. R. YOUNG, Principal LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS Bebruary 6, 1941 Dr. Fe. C. Allen Kansas University Tawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We have received the goggles from Mr. Means that you suggested. The boy is coming along much better at present, and ‘I want to thank you for you expert advice on this matter. Our boys are interested in seeing one of your home games. Would it be too much bother to ask you to send, or have someone mail, me a schedule of your games? What would it cost these high school boys to get in one of your home games and would reservations be necessary? Again I wish to express my appreciation for your kindness. Sincerely yours, W. A. Forsberg, Coath Leavenworth High School ITeavenworth, Kansas